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  • From Sol Blechman on NIT WIT NEWZ: June 2024

    Another beaut from Mr. Looney. Thanks.

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    2024/06/15 at 4:40 am
  • From Judy Hunter on Concerts and Performances June - July 2024

    I was very pleased that 1) you decided to do an article on the wildfire improvements and 2) you did a great job showing us the sprinkler system around the buildings and wild areas. It has been a worry since the Almeda fire, and knowing all the work that has been done to protect the RVM property eases my mind.
    I am still very concerned about fire hazards such as overgrown trees or shrubery too close to the cottages which could catch an ember and start a fire within the cottage areas. I have three pine trees outside my windows which are definitely too close to the cottage, but I have been told they won’t take them down. They have pruned the upper branches to give us a little view, but the overhanging branches that cover the walkway are still too close. It might be a good idea to have the Manor administrators and the landscaping people learn about “defensible space” and the need for cleared area around buildings! Even the fire department said having the trees so close was not a problem. My husband and I worked with the Stanislaus Natl. Forest with the Firesafe program and have been fully aware of the need for defensible space, not only in the forest but in the cities as well. I’m not a fan of “It won’t happen to me!”

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    2024/06/08 at 10:20 am
  • From Sue Silfvast on Barbara's Aunt

    What an amazing story, Eleanor. Thanks for sharing!

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    2024/05/09 at 8:39 am
  • From Barb Maxfield on Collected Ideas for Activities for Visiting Grandchildren

    I want to give credit to Jerry Richmond, who compiled most of the list. I only made a few updates. Thanks, Jerry!

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    2024/04/09 at 9:15 pm
  • From Dennis Q Murphy on THE SHOW MUST GO ON!

    Just to clarify the Residents Council “budget constraint” referenced. The Entertainment budget is the single largest Residents Council expenditure – approximately 20% of the entire budget.

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    2024/02/09 at 6:43 pm
  • From Arnold Lum on A Peace Corps Experience- An Interview with Creed Terry

    Malo e lelei, Creed. My cousin Lise is married to a Tongan, Rodney Sekona. His family owns a construction company based in Salt Lake City. You probably can guess what the focus of their business is – building coral block walls. Lise’s speciality is producing lots of grandchildren, five at last count. Faasamoa.

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    2024/02/09 at 7:45 am
  • From Cathy Fitzpatrick on Embroidery

    Beautiful work – so fun!

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    2024/01/25 at 3:00 pm
  • From Sophia Mulder on Embroidery

    Louise, love the embroidery. You have never shown it to me, it is beautiful. Thanks to Reina that we know now, what an artist you are!

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    2024/01/25 at 2:36 pm
  • From Cheerie Howse on Embroidery

    Louise, your embroidery is incredibly beautiful and amazingly creative. Thank you to You and Reina for sharing it with us.

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    2024/01/25 at 2:13 pm
  • From Anne Newins on Cryptocritters

    This is keeping me awake at night. Cognate, encroachment, smidgeon,
    tickle, gadfly, rhinovirus….

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    2024/01/09 at 12:20 pm
  • From Sol Blechman on Let Me Entertain You!

    Great recounting of your travails. The Caribbean Food truck is vivid in my memory!

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    2023/12/30 at 6:36 am
  • From kim f Wu on Hawaiian Lei

    I appreciate the information of Hawaiian Lei. I thought it is for celebration only. Now I know it is “Aloha Spirit.” represents love, friendship, celebration, honor, or greeting. I like it very much because it means a lot more to me. I treasure your and everyone’ sharing. Photographers have always done excellent jobs. Photos are very important to the articles. Knowledge is priceless. So much I don’t know. Thanks to all!
    kim ❤️💕🌸🌷🌷

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    2023/12/10 at 12:41 pm
  • From kim f Wu on The Storybook House

    I am a frequent admirer of the Storybook House. This additional information is very interesting. I appreciate the long dedication of Yoka and Grant very much. I am glad that three volunteers joined to do the delicate job. Thanks to all.
    kim ❤️💕🌸🌷🌷

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    2023/12/10 at 12:15 pm
  • From kim f Wu on The Storybook House

    The ID sign under the pictures of Kitchen & Bathroom should be switched to ID the right picture.

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    2023/12/10 at 12:08 pm
  • From Judith Bamforth on Concerts and Performances November-December 2023

    Please note that Joyful Voices will be a 3PM program on 12/19. There is a little flyer to remind you in your mailbox. Come one, come all!

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    2023/12/08 at 11:25 am
  • From Pat McDonald on Let Me Entertain You!

    Very funny!

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    2023/12/08 at 10:25 am
  • From Mike Heverly on The Storybook House

    Nice article on the Storybook House, until you get to the identification of the kitchen and bathroom. Check out the pictures and the identification. 😎

    The Compliment is a great addition to the campus communications !!! Thankx for your efforts in presenting this every month.

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    2023/12/08 at 9:46 am
  • From madge Walls on Why English is Hard to Learn

    I have wondered about these things many times and amused myself with examples such as the ones so cleverly poeticized here. Thanks for letting me know I am not alone!

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    2023/11/07 at 6:01 pm
  • From Judith Bamforth on Greeting Cards

    This was an unforgettable, heartwarming story! Judy B.

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    2023/11/07 at 4:29 pm
  • From Pat McDonald on Greeting Cards

    Great story!

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    2023/11/07 at 9:38 am
  • From Lynne Bonetti on Greeting Cards

    Lovely story about you, your family…especially Pops.

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    2023/11/07 at 8:34 am
  • From Salome on Traveling the Challenged Way

    Great article cuz I never thought to use a scooter for our next trip.
    So glad to be living at RVM where we can share tips like this😊

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    2023/11/07 at 5:48 am
  • From Lynne Bonetti on Sustainability Can Be Beautiful

    Thank you, Anne. The main goals of sustainable landscape design are to conserve water and energy, reduce waste and decrease runoff. In order to achieve these goals management of RVM common areas should treat water as a resource and create a plan for xeriscaping.

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    2023/11/06 at 12:40 pm
  • From Lynne Bonetti on NIT WIT NEWZ -- October 2023

    Greetings, A. Looney, I thought you would like to know I just signed up for the cranium conditioning class. This should help.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

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    2023/11/06 at 11:56 am
  • From Arnold Lum on NIT WIT NEWZ -- October 2023

    I can’t contain my laughter – love how A. Looney pokes gentle fun at us every month! But – dare I inquire – will the real A. Looney step forward and reveal who they really are?

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    2023/10/08 at 9:37 am
  • From Graciela Marin on Child Care at RVM?

    Good to learn about this prospect. It’s exciting!

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    2023/09/09 at 2:44 pm
  • From Sue Silfvast on Child Care at RVM?

    Great article, Connie! I’m pleased that you’re starting up this conversation again. I believe a daycare center at RVM would be a win-win for everyone.

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    2023/09/09 at 11:49 am
  • From Pat McDonald on Child Care at RVM?

    Well said! Seems like a good idea for aiding employee acquisition and retention.

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    2023/09/09 at 10:39 am
  • From David Drury on Satisfaction Survey

    Thanks for the thoughtful article. Have you passed it on to Marketing? They certainly should read it.

    I’m assuming you didn’t have access to the full data set. On first seeing the results I wondered if anyone had done significance testing on, for ex, the differences between RVM and all PRS. It’s tricky with un-anchored ordinal satisfaction measures, but Holleran surely has the resources to do it if they want. Just looking at the magnitude of these differences and the N’s, it makes me wonder how many of them are statistically reliable.

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    2023/08/28 at 11:54 am
  • From David Drury on The Theremin and the Birth of Electronic Music

    Thanks for a fascinating article, George. Do you know if PBS has produced any documentaries about the theramin and its history?

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    2023/08/28 at 11:39 am
  • From Dick Mahoney on The Theremin and the Birth of Electronic Music

    George, what a fascinating piece you’ve put together. The sound of the the theremin is aptly described as a mix between a female soprano and a violin, but maybe even better than the sum of those two parts. The instrument was made for Puccini’s aria and Saint-Saens, “The Swan.” I was also pleasantly reminded of that hauntingly, spooky “Spellbound” theme. The history of the instrument and its creator was fascinating.
    Thanks, I’ve been richly rewarded.

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    2023/08/08 at 3:35 pm
  • From Sol Blechman on The Theremin and the Birth of Electronic Music

    Great, George. Many thanks.

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    2023/08/08 at 3:34 pm
  • From Russy Sumariwalla on HAPPY THIRD!!!

    Dear The Complement team:

    First, heartfelt congratulations on the third anniversary of The Complement.

    It would be ungrateful to not acknowledge with gratitude the warm welcome Anita and I have received upon our “return to the RVM”. Our nine months sojourn in Geneva, Switzerland proved to be disappointing — the mildest and the politest way to put it. The one lesson we learned again is “appearances can be deceptive”. What’s universally talked about Switzerland is that it is a paradise.Yes perhaps for well-off tourists but we wouldn’t recommend it for permanent residence, particularly for people of our age.

    In closing we also wish to say that we are more than satisfied with our decision to return to RVM. It is not perfect but then which CCRC in the U.S. is perfect

    Russy Sumariwalla

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    2023/08/08 at 1:43 pm
  • From Madge Walls on The Word Nerd on the Letter 'E'

    Very slick! This one tickled me, Connie. As they usually do!

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    2023/07/29 at 10:12 am
  • From Pat McDonald on RVM: Strategy and the Future

    Excellent article on an important topic!

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    2023/07/29 at 9:32 am
  • From Doyne on The Word Nerd on the Letter 'E'

    I want to talk with you about this situation. Stop bugging us with this conundrum.

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    2023/07/09 at 7:47 am
  • From Pat McDonald on RVM: Strategy and the Future

    Excellent, well-written article on an important topic.

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    2023/07/08 at 5:06 pm
  • From Lynne Bonetti on June in the Library

    So good seeing Ellie in the library. All of you volunteers do a great job keeping up with a variety of books for all of us to read. Thank you!

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    2023/06/14 at 5:30 pm
  • From Lynne Bonetti on Bemused Birding

    Thank you Bob, and Anne, for sharing information about the emu. What an amazing big bird!

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    2023/06/14 at 5:28 pm
  • From Lynne Bonetti on The Virginia Range Wild Horses

    Big thank you to you two for making it possible for me to enjoy watching those amazing wild horses!

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    2023/06/14 at 5:22 pm
  • From Robert Mumby on Mr. and Mrs. Raven

    The ravens are not new residents. I enjoyed watching their 2022 youngster.

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    2023/04/12 at 12:54 pm
  • From Sol Blechman on Bandon Oregon Travelog

    This was a great education on what AI can do. Of course, there is no reason to doubt any of what it said. Thanks, George.

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    2023/03/13 at 6:14 am
  • From K Wylie on Anatomy of a Dresser

    I agree totally, as long as clean, nicely patched and decent you can wear it!

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    2023/03/08 at 10:18 am
  • From Mark Tollefson on The Complement Embraces Artificial Intelligence

    About 2 months ago, I discovered ChatGPT. I was working on a computer program at the time, and was using a programming language with which I was only slightly familiar. ChatGPT helped me with some syntax questions at first, delivering what I needed much faster than my sorting through all the Google search results to find one that appropriately met my need.
    Then, I got more bold, and described whole programs by what they should do and what the GUI (Graphical User Interface) should look like. And, it generally produced 90+% of the final solution.
    I have now become better at asking it to write code for me, and I use it constantly. Its solutions generally (not always) work on the first try, and I just add tweaks to make things look nicer or to make it more user friendly. The latter is generally something I could have requested at the start, but didn’t realize was needed until after I tried using the program.
    But you can also have great fun just playing with it.
    Ask it to write a Limerick, a poem, a story, or parody lyrics to a particular song. Give it reasonable guidance or non-sequiturs. Write a fictional story about a boy named Gary who likes butterflies. Or. Write parody lyrics to “O What a Beautiful Mornin’ ” about a tornado, an earthquake, a circus, and a sentient penguin.

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    2023/03/08 at 9:43 am
  • From Mark Tollefson on Bandon Oregon Travelog

    You may want to include the query you made to ChatGPT as a point of interest to users, so they can better understand what Arti has done.

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    2023/03/08 at 9:20 am
  • From Joni Johnson on Bandon Oregon Travelog

    Love the article on Arti. Really interesting.

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    2023/03/08 at 6:50 am
  • From Sol Blechman on The Ultimate Guide to Samuel H. Boardman State Scenic Corridor

    Thank you, George. Well done and potentially useful.

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    2023/02/12 at 8:55 am
  • From Sophia McM on Can You do 20 tons of Laundry per Month?

    Wow, thanks! Lots of answers to years of wondering what happens to my dirty laundry.

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    2023/02/09 at 12:08 pm
  • From kim f Wu on Nit Wit Newz -- January 2023

    I appreciate your article, especially calling for a vote & reporting the result. I also think that the carpet is a bigger issue than the fire place.
    Do you know that there is another log fireplace in the continental room. I didn’t ck whether it works.

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    2023/01/29 at 12:04 pm
  • From Tim Miller on Nit Wit Newz -- January 2023

    Ditto to Pat’s remarks. The column is so thoroughly thought out.

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    2023/01/26 at 1:56 pm