How To Contribute

Use Attachments intended for publication should be in MS Word (docx) format; images should be in jpg format and submitted separately from the text (which may have included images to show intended layout).   We are a volunteer organization on a monthly schedule, so it may take a few days for us to get to it.

1. Use the comment section following each article.

Rules: Add something relevant and of substance – simple agreement or disagreement should be conveyed independently to the author.

Comments, if appropriate, will be left up for at least a week. They may be left longer, and may be transferred into an ongoing (and edited) discussion thread.

2. Write a letter for publication – no more than 200 words, and most appropriate if you want to introduce a new topic. Subject to editing for length or readability.

3. Send us comments or suggestions about the site. There are no specific requirements other than relevance and clarity.

4. Major News & Views articles or contributions to the Arts and Entertainment page – if you send something we will look at it, but it is far, far better if you send us a proposal or description in advance so we can minimize editing and/or rejection.

All items intended for publication as other than a work of fiction must not include insults, ad hominem arguments, conspiracy theories, or unsubstantiatable “facts.” Opinions or beliefs may be discussed, but polemics or proselytizing will not be published.  We will do our best to apply good journalistic standards.