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  • From Bonnie de Vos on Taking on Hospice, One Step at a Time

    Thank you, Joni, for your article about your experience with Hospice for your husband, Tom. We all will have to face important and difficult decisions when the time comes, and your sharing was very informative and helpful. We had invaluable Hospice assistance some years ago when we were caretakers for my husband’s parents. We highly recommend their services and support.

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    2022/07/21 at 2:46 pm
  • From Gloria on Dave Cochran Changed History

    it is a great feeling to read about Mr. David Cochran, a wonderful person, I had the opportunity to be with the family, during my college years.

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    2022/07/10 at 7:27 pm
  • From Cheerie E. Howse on Taking on Hospice, One Step at a Time

    Thank you Joni for your helpful explanation of the process you and Tom went through prior to his death. Here at RVM we can all learn from one another and it helps others make better choices when faced with a similar situation when we know what was helpful to someone else. You and Tom took advantage of the options available, and it sounds like many caring professionals were a part of your decisions. I send you my love and gratitude for this generous report.

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    2022/07/09 at 5:24 pm
  • From Suzana on Taking on Hospice, One Step at a Time

    Joni, thank you for a poignant and essential article. I suspect it wasn’t easy for you to write it, and relive those moments, but it is a tremendous source of information for the rest of us. Nobody can predict the future, but we can prepare for what it may bring to us.

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    2022/07/07 at 9:37 am
  • From Rob Weissberg on Peace Corps in Turkey 1967-1969

    Did you know Joy Christianson, PeaceCorps Turkey, about the same years as you were there?
    Afghanistan 67-69

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    2022/05/17 at 8:06 am
  • From Nancy Walden on April Critter of the Month

    Fun article, Connie. Thanks

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    2022/04/11 at 11:45 am
  • From David Drury on RVM Preparedness Upgrades

    The garage door link is not working as of 4-10-2022.

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    2022/04/10 at 5:35 pm
  • From Richard Justin Lingelser on April Critter of the Month

    Nicely done Connie Kent. Dick

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    2022/04/09 at 3:37 pm
  • From Sophia Mulder on Anita Sumariwalla's Paintings

    Dear Anita, I love to see your paintings in real life. Beautiful colors.
    Continue to paint….you can do it. Sophia

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    2022/03/31 at 5:21 pm
  • From David Drury on The Karnatz Kolumn -- March 2022

    “Sarah is upright, rock solid, supportive, and well rounded – in short, everything a column should be.” Quirkily brilliant, young man.

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    2022/03/27 at 11:23 am
  • From David Drury on “ I do not have regrets”

    Great job of reporting, Joni. We have such amazing people in our midst.

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    2022/03/27 at 11:19 am
  • From Sophia Mulder on “ I do not have regrets”

    Doyne, what marvelous story of your life. You have accomplished so much. We often did go to the Foothill College for their performances and enjoyed so much. Sophia

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    2022/03/26 at 4:20 pm
  • From Judy Simpson on “ I do not have regrets”

    We lived in Los Altos for many years and never missed anything at the Bus Barn Theater.
    Judy and Damon Simpson

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    2022/03/26 at 9:53 am
  • From Sue Silfvast on “ I do not have regrets”

    I love theater, music, and all things creative. What an interesting story about Doyne. And I grew up in Los Altos! I left home about the time Foothill opened. With more time to venture out, my mother became an active art student there.

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    2022/03/14 at 7:59 pm
  • From Ken on Changes Now and Later

    The word “information “ is missing a letter in the third paragraph.

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    2022/03/11 at 10:02 am
  • From Salome on Breeding Mini-Cats

    Eleanor, what a precious story. Her name Skoshi, is a perfect name as it means “little” or small in Japanese. Siamese are my fav breed, then Persians. I am now feeding 5 ferals, three of them – all fixed – sleep indoors during these cold winter months.

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    2022/03/08 at 6:54 pm
  • From Salome on Anita Sumariwalla's Paintings

    Thanks for sharing your frank introduction to painting. You tell it like it is…and I admire that about you. Is that a self-portrait of you in the background of your photo? As your hands and fingers “deteroriate” perhaps you will be surprised as to whatever you do paint. Wouldn’t that be interesting?

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    2022/03/08 at 6:42 pm
  • From Russy on Anita Sumariwalla's Paintings

    Nice Piece … thank you. We came to RVM in 2004 …18years ago. Many of the more recent residents are not aware of Anita’s work so this will be a good introduction to anita.
    Thank you for this initiative.

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    2022/03/08 at 1:29 pm
  • From Russy on Anita Sumariwalla's Paintings

    The ikon for sharing does not work I tried to forward the article to someone but it did not work.

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    2022/03/08 at 1:03 pm
  • From Lynne on Nit Wit Newz -- March

    Love A. Looney!🤗

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    2022/03/08 at 12:39 pm
  • From Eric on “ I do not have regrets”

    Wonderfully written! What a life Doyne has had!

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    2022/03/08 at 10:04 am
  • From Sophia A. McMillen on A Profile of Author Daniel Mason

    Anne, thanks for the article, and for all you do for the RVM Library. Your review of Daniel Mason is welcome since I am often on the lookout for offbeat fiction.

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    2022/02/08 at 8:52 pm
  • From Pat McDonald on What's New in February

    Excellent issue. The COVID story is especially appropriate for the time.

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    2022/02/06 at 10:53 am
  • From Sophia Mulder on Betsy Portaro- One of the Very Early Peace Corps Volunteers Danced with Belafonte

    Thank you Betsy, for sharing your experience in the Peace Corps. It must have made an impression on you through your life.
    Tom’s brother after he retired spend two years in Peace Corps.

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    2022/01/22 at 9:46 am
  • From Sophia Mulder on Peace Corps Adventures in Ecuador with David Guzetta and Carolyn Auker

    Carolyn and David, what rich life experience you both have had, to do this mid life…that is daring. Love reading about it. Thank you for sharing. Sophia

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    2022/01/22 at 9:30 am
  • From Maria-Cristina on Peace Corps Adventures in Ecuador with David Guzetta and Carolyn Auker

    Dave and Carolyn,
    I am very happy knowing you had a rewarding experience in Ecuador and able to travel to visit my country, Bolivia, and Peru and Chile. Traveling by bus probably was something very different for you than here. You were very brave doing that. Kudos to you!

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    2022/01/14 at 5:54 pm
  • From Maria-Cristina on Peace Corps Adventures in Ecuador with David Guzetta and Carolyn Auker

    Dave and Carolyn,
    I am very happy knowing you had a rewarding experience in Ecuador and able to travel to visit my country, Bolivia, Peru and Chile. Traveling by bus probably was something very different for you than here. You were very brave doing that. Kudos to you!

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    2022/01/14 at 5:53 pm
  • From Sophia A McMillen on Winter Wonderland

    ¡Maravillosas fotos! Estaba muy agradecido de disfrutar de nuestro regalo de Nochebuena de una hermosa y suave nevada.

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    2022/01/06 at 2:16 pm
  • From Jeannette Bournival on MEDFORD TO PARIS ---BY RAIL?

    And, yes, we Rummikub players definitely want our game to be included in the 2024 offerings, especially as they are being held in Paris. Oui? And what about including line dancing as a senior sport? Physical and mental sporting, you know!

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    2021/12/31 at 5:26 pm
  • From Lynne Bonetti on RVM Campus Snow Routes

    Thank you, Bob.

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    2021/12/24 at 12:30 pm
  • From Lynne Bonetti on Fuzz - a book review

    Thank you, Anne.

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    2021/12/21 at 1:55 pm
  • From David Drury on MEDFORD TO PARIS ---BY RAIL?


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    2021/12/07 at 11:25 am
  • From David Drury on Russy and Anita- As Young As The Peace Corps

    Thanks, as always for the energetic journalism, Joni. I had no idea the Russy and Anita were involved so early in the history of PC; veritable Founding Mothers and Fathers they were!

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    2021/12/07 at 11:18 am
  • From David Drury on The Herrons' Peace Corps Adventure in Belize..... and The Gambia

    Thank you, Joni, for another beautiful article in the Peace Corps series! -David & Asifa

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    2021/12/07 at 11:06 am
  • From Connie Kent on How to post a pdf

    Brilliant! Thank you.

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    2021/12/07 at 9:46 am
  • From Jackie Parrish on Behind the Shelves at the Manor Library

    I want to commend Anne Newins for her well-written, informative article on my favorite place on the whole campus–the Manor library. I am one of the lucky volunteers who gets to spend time every week amongst the huge collection of books from the classics and mysteries to contemporary non-fiction. Anne reminds us of the dedicated volunteers who work hard behind the scenes to maintain the library. All of us who use the library greatly appreciate their hard work and dedication.

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    2021/11/14 at 2:20 pm
  • From Cheerie Howse on Problems of Pets and Preparedness

    Excellent explanation, Bob. Thank you for making it clear that this is a work in progress and there is room for some flexible solutions.

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    2021/11/12 at 9:06 am
  • From Cheerie Howse on Problems of Pets and Preparedness

    Excellent explanation, Bob. Thank you for making it clear that this is a work in progress.

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    2021/11/12 at 9:05 am
  • From Darlyne J Reising on A Peace Corps Ramadan: Mali 2011-2013

    This is a wonderful article about David & Asifa’s experiences with Ramadam. Our world could be a better, friendlier place.

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    2021/11/10 at 12:52 pm
  • From Pat McDonald on Problems of Pets and Preparedness

    Excellent and important topic.

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    2021/11/10 at 9:08 am
  • From Bob Buddemeier on NIT WIT NEWZ

    And it is no coincidence that the Memory Support Center is located just above the intersection of Malama Way and Lake Village Drive and Lake Village Drive and Lake Village Drive.

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    2021/11/07 at 4:48 pm
  • From Sophia A McMillen on Some South American Crafts

    Reina, gracias por esta hermosa muestra de arte y cultura material de América del Sur. ¡Mano de obra y belleza excepcionales!

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    2021/09/27 at 1:31 pm
  • From Ken on This Too Could Be You!

    Great fun! I hope everyone enjoyed the plastic bowels from the Dollar Store.?!
    Typos happen/

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    2021/09/27 at 11:40 am
  • From Pat McDonald on We’re All First Responders

    This entire topic of Emergency Preparedness is a wonderful example of neighbors helping neighbors. Kudos to Bob and the other organizers. As a side benefit, this encourages interaction with neighbors who may be somewhat isolated.

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    2021/09/27 at 8:05 am
  • From Tom Mulder on Some South American Crafts

    Reina is a wonderful jewelry maker her pieces take hours to produce but she works on and on and does not care how long it takes the result, works of art.

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    2021/09/21 at 12:11 pm
  • From Juanita Bright on Dave Cochran Changed History

    My goodness! Am I ever impressed?! Congratulations on your amazing achievements.

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    2021/09/13 at 8:19 pm
  • From Norha dominguez on Some South American Crafts

    Reina que muestra tan linda, felicitaciónes.

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    2021/09/12 at 10:15 am
  • From Ellen Alexander on Some South American Crafts

    When I was in Colombia with Reina, she proudly showed me many examples of indigenous art. Her knowledge of her country’s history, coupled with her own exquisite taste in art, make her a great ambassador.
    Thank you, Reina, for sharing all this beauty!

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    2021/09/11 at 3:08 am
  • From Eliana Protzel on Some South American Crafts

    Reina is an amazing, seamstress, quilt, jewelry, art collector, craft making anything, photographer, decorator, diverse art lover but mostly, the best friend in the wirld eith the biggest heart for our whole world. Beautiful displays!

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    2021/09/10 at 10:27 am
    • From Marta Alvarez on Some South American Crafts

      Yes, Reina is amazing. I have had the privilege of being the recipient of some of her beautiful works. What gifted hands!

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      2021/09/10 at 12:23 pm
  • From Cheerie E. Howse on Everything You Want to Know About Secret

    Thanks, Joni. I had seen the dog videos but it was very special to learn the back-story behind the training!

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    2021/09/07 at 9:31 am