What Goes Around, Comes Around

Finishing a Novel during Covid Time

By Madge Walls

My novels have routinely taken six years to finish. Why? Working fulltime, many other distractions, and sheer laziness. Add in my favorite activity of reading other author’s novels, and you get the picture.

When Covid-19 hit in the spring of 2019 and Rogue Valley Manor closed down all group activities and began delivering all meals to our doors, we had to make peace with being basically shut-ins. How, then, to keep busy?

There in my computer lay my unfinished work, The Visiting Girl, inspired by the early life of movie star Katharine Hepburn’s mother, a suffragist who’d had to fight her guardian/uncle to attend Bryn Mawr College according to her late mother’s will and wishes.

I’d become bored with the novel after working on it for those six years. But when I went back to it, I realized I had unwittingly set the tale in 1900 through 1923 (reflecting the elder Kate’s young life), when my characters’ lives would have been impacted by the Spanish flu pandemic, The Great War, Prohibition, and the women’s suffrage movement.

As I dove deeper into my research, I saw more and more how our life today seems an echo of that era: our own Covid-19 pandemic; the wars of our adulthood—Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan; efforts to prohibit mask and vaccine mandates; and women’s rights that we are still fighting for. I was blown away by the similarities—do we never learn anything?

Guiding my characters (or having them guide me!) through their perilous times a century ago in Philadelphia and Portland led me to take a deeper look at our own dilemmas. The exercise was fascinating and opened my eyes to our recent history as never before (how bored I was with US History in high school!). Not only did I finish the novel, but I gained a whole new and evolving understanding of NOW.

Big thanks to Joanie Fotheringham for the perfect title of this essay: What Goes Around, Comes Around.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Editor’s Note: Copies of Madge’s new novel will be available at the Craft Fair on November 1 in the Auditorium.

2021 Craft Fair Coming

You are invited

What: 2021 RVM Craft Fair

When: 1 November 2021Craft

Where: Manor Auditorium

When: 9:30 am to 2:30 pm

What: Fiber Arts (crocheting, knitting, quilting, sewing); Books, Glassware, Greeting Cards, Jewelry, Photography, Polished Stones, Miniatures, and Woodworking

Watch for the Virtual Fair on this site in mid-October.

See samples of crafts for sale in the Manor Auditorium display cabinet in mid-October.

Silent Auction in the Manor Lobby the last week of October.

No R.S.V.P. necessary

RVM Campus Evacuation Guidelines for Fire

This presents information from the “All Residents” memo and attachments from Stan Solmonson, 8/19/21

The memo and the attached Exhibits 1-3 are as distributed.  Exhibits 4 (RPG Coordinators and areas of responsibility) and 5 (RVM Neighborhood Coordinator Maps) have been updated to the most recent versions.

Download Entire PDF with updates:  VIEW/DOWNLOAD

Component parts:

Cover memo       VIEW/DOWNLOAD PDF

Evacuation Protocol (Exhibit 1)     VIEW/DOWNLOAD PDF

Communication Protocol (Exhibit 2)     VIEW/DOWNLOAD PDF

Resident Preparedness Group (RPG) Summary (Exhibit 3)     VIEW      DOWNLOAD PDF

RPG Coordinators and Areas (Exhibit 4 UPDATED)     VIEW/DOWNLOAD PDF

RVM Neighborhood Coordinator Maps (Exhibit 5 UPDATED)
North Village (Areas 1-3, 11)     VIEW/DOWNLOAD PDF
South Village (Areas 4-10)     VIEW/DOWNLOAD PDF


NOTE:  The Coordinator information linked above omits some personal contact information.  The complete listings, in both PDF and Excel Spreadsheet form, are posted on myRVM.  To access RPG information posted there, do one of the following:

1.  Keeping this page open, also open myRVM, then click

2.   Copy the above link, open myRVM, and paste the link into its address bar.



This column provides access to RPG documents that are in the final draft stage, and are being made available to residents and RVM staff for final review and comment before they are adopted and posted in the appropriate section.  Comments or questions should be directed to rpgrvm@gmail.com.

RPG Functional Reliability: Personnel Backups  Draft for Review 10/02/2021  To view or download the PDF, CLICK HERE

This document describes the need for having backup replacements for absent coordinators, and suggests approaches to addressing the need.

Readiness Review Reminder

By Bob Buddemeier

Autumn is here, and we are almost out of wildfire season.  That means you can take a break from worrying about how Slithers, your pet rat-snake, would adapt to being evacuated to the Plaza.  Does it mean you can take a break from worrying altogether?  No way!  Winter is coming.

Let’s suppose you are an outdoorsy aesthete, waiting eagerly for the first snow to come so you can drive up into the back country to feast your eyes on the winter landscape.  It does, and you do, and the car slides off the road into a narrow ravine with no cell coverage.  “Aha,” you think proudly, “I have my Car-Go-Bag in the trunk.”  So you scramble around, open it up, and pull out — a broad-brimmed hat, some sunscreen, and two extra water bottles.  Uh-oh.

Or maybe you are the homebody type, planning to stay snug and warm inside all winter.  So when the precocious 8-year-old in Fresno who got a laptop for Christmas crashes the entire U.S. power grid, you decide to go to bed to keep warm.  But that little light on the electric blanket control doesn’t go on.  Think!  Did you bring any real blankets, or were those all downsized?  Uh-oh.

Moral:  Eternal vigilance is the price of preparedness, with organization, self-awareness, and other very scarce commodities mixed into the price along with vigilance

But, FEAR NOT! The Residents’ Preparedness Group (RPG), with complicity of the RVM Emergency Preparedness Task Force, has devised a plan for keeping all of us somewhat ready to survive the next earthquake, wildfire, power outage, or other misadventure, foreseeable or unforeseen.

The Plan:  Every 6 months, Fall and Spring, we’ll have a Readiness Review week.  The selected times are (1) the week containing the 3rd Thursday in October (the Great ShakeOut – more on that below), and (2) the week containing April 15 (Tax day – considered a disaster by many).  RPG and RVM will be reviewing their own programs, but especially reaching out to residents with reminders, information updates, demonstrations, advice and assistance with emergency preparations, and for those interested, classes and exercises.  Your local coordinator (the neighbor in the lime-green safety vest) will be in touch.

Upcoming – the week of the Great Shakeout (shakeout.org/Oregon/) – October 17-23, with the actual Shakeout on 10/21/21, at 10:21 a.m.   We expect everyone to luxuriate in the expanded significance of the whole week, but to focus down on the core event – The Great ShakeOut is an international promotion of earthquake awareness and safety.  Any number can (and do) play.

Here are the rules:  pay attention because we are in the area of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, which is thought to be ripe for a Great or Very Great Earthquake just about any old time.  So, we are going to simulate a serious earthquake beginning at 10:21 and lasting for 4 minutes or so (this is not one of your quick-and-dirty California quakes).  You are supposed to take the appropriate action for your location and condition at the time.

First, if you are lucky and attentive, you feel a very noticeable but not devastating shaking.  That is your friend the p-wave arriving to let you know that in not more than a minute, the big bad s-wave will arrive and shake the crap out of everything.

Whatever you feel first, ACT!  Inside, DROP, COVER, AND HOLD.  Anywhere, get away from things likely to fall on you, such as tall furniture, overpasses, power lines, breaking windows, etc.  If you’re not sure of what to do or how to do it – well, that’s why we have these days and weeks.  Find out.

The following linked references are available on both the myRVM Emergency Preparedness page, and on The Complement/Prepare.  Both sites have other information as well.

Recommended Earthquake Safety Actions  What to do when it hits.

Earthquake Preparedness Guide — Disabilities  Not limited to people with disabilities – preparation advice is good for everyone.


Book Review –  The Phone Booth at the Edge of the World

  by Bonnie Tollefson

Book Review –  The Phone Booth at the Edge of the World, Laura Imai Messina, The Overlook Press, 2021

A few months ago a fellow resident said to me with a subtle curl of the lip and a wrinkle to the nose, “Eww, you read series fiction.”  Yes I do.  I enjoy the continuing story of the characters and reading books that feel comfortable.  Sometimes the characters develop and occasionally the author does.  Series can be found in almost every genre of fiction, so it is not as tho I read only mysteries.  However, in recognition of her tastes, this quarter I went to the RVM library to find a book to review that was not part of a series or by an author known for series work, and I found a gem.  The Phone Booth at the Edge of the World by Laura Imai Messina is a novel set in Japan, written in Italian, translated into English.  The author is Italian, born and raised in Rome, who went to Japan to improve her Japanese.  Fifteen years later she still lives in Japan with a husband, two children and a job teaching Italian.

Yuri, a main character in the book, became the host of a call-in radio show in Tokyo after losing her mother and young daughter in the March 11, 2011 tsunami.  She hears one evening about a garden with a phone booth where one can talk to the dead.  The Wind Phone helps many people deal with the loss of loved ones.  This is a book about grief, a book about hope, and a book about love.  It can be a quick read or savored, but it contains something for everyone.  The author includes the information on research conducted on how many hugs are required in a day for survival, as well as acknowledging that the truth is “that love is a miracle.  Even the second time around, even when it comes to you by mistake.”  I won’t include a spoiler about what happens to Yuri, but since hope and love are components of the story you might guess. Near the end of the book “Yuri came to understand that there was always joy somewhere within unhappiness.”

The March 11 tsunami was an actual event just as the Bell Gradia garden and the Wind Phone are real.  In the author’s note Laura Imai Messina says “For me the Wind Phone is mainly this: a metaphor that suggests how precious it is to hold on tight to joy as well as pain. That even when we are confronted by the subtractions, the things that life takes from us, we have to open ourselves up to the many additions it can offer too.”  An important lesson for us all.

The book can be found at both the RVM library and the Jackson County Public Library.

October Library Display

by Anne Newins

This month’s display will feature fiction and non-fiction books about actors.  Why are people interested in actors’ lives?  It seems to me that when young, one reason many people are curious about actors is because it gives them vicarious pleasure.  Most of us are not simultaneously rich, good-looking, and famous.

However, by the time actors have been in the business long enough to have biographies written about them, our interest in them may have changed because we have aged ourselves.  It is hard to believe that a seasoned actors  like Audrey Hepburn, Michael Caine, Robin Williams, or Ingrid Bergman would not have had challenges, some sort of artistic insight, or viewpoints different from our own as well as unusual life experiences.

Fictional work about actors gives an author tremendous leeway in terms of character development, usually skewing towards their flaws.  After all, who wants to read a novel about a boring, nine to five sort of person?  Suspense writers are drawn to actors, including popular authors like Jonathan Kellerman and Michael Connelly.

This month’s display also will include biographies about Michael J. Fox, John Wayne, Ronald Reagan, novels by Nora Roberts, Danielle Steel, Kristin Hannah, Stuart Woods, and many others.

The display table is located near the main entrance of the library.


Emergency Power at Home- Why, What and How

By Joni Johnson

When the power goes out, it is very nice – and could be life-saving – to have a back-up source of electricity. Power supplies can be battery packs that are charged when there is power and used when there isn’t, or they can be battery packs attached to an independent source of electricity, like solar panels or car batteries.

Tom and I were very devil-may-care about getting a generator until the second power outage this year.  Because of a need to keep some health machines going and the desire to see in the dark, we started looking into options for power supplies that would work here on campus.

Gas:   For reasons of safety, RVM does not allow gas or diesel generators in our homes.  If someone needs to be hooked up to electricity during a power outage, their main option is to be moved to the Manor for an electric hook-up to the emergency generator there.

Solar:   After simple stored-power battery backups, the next and most viable choice is solar powered energy, and there seem to be a lot of these power supplies on campus.  After inquiring, I was contacted by a number of people directly and others gave me names of people with this equipment.  The big questions are, what do you want to charge, how heavy do you want the machine to be, and how much do you want to spend?  All of the batteries discussed in this article can be charged from your electric socket while you have power, from solar panels, or from a 12v car charger.

Important – before you buy a power supply, make sure that it will work with the equipment you are interested in using. Voltage – AC or DC? All of these batteries do have both options but some of the less expensive ones might not. The Watts (power requirement) – if it doesn’t tell you, multiply Volts times Amps. Watt-hours of the supply will tell you how long it will power an appliance of specific wattage.  For example, most  home medical gear (CPAP, oxygen concentrators) will run on 12 volts DC, although you may need some accessories, but air purifiers are AC only, and some power supplies do not have AC output.

Small Power Supplies –

 1.  David Drury bought a setup from Amazon with an 80-watt solar panel strip (which he can hang from his back deck), and a 296 watt-hour storage battery. It weighs 6.6 lbs.

In his words, “I can charge all kinds of small electronic appliances — up to laptops — as well as batteries for flashlights etc. The storage battery is very versatile, produces both AC and DC current, and even includes a 12-volt attachment for connecting to car batteries. The important point (or one of them) is that using the solar panel in conjunction with a storage battery provides a lot more flexibility. You can charge things when the sun isn’t shining, and take maximum advantage of the sun when it IS shining — whether or not you’ve got anything that immediately needs charging.

If I had any buyer’s remorse, it would be that I got the 80 watt rather than the 100 watt panel (which is 6 feet long, as opposed to my more convenient 4 ft panel). Likewise, the smallish battery unit which would probably not be enough to run an oxygen concentrator. The next higher battery pack is 504 watt -hours.

His solar panels are connected and can be folded into a briefcase.  They can be hung as he does or can be mounted at an angle of 40 degrees with their kickstands for better efficiency.

  1. Keith Maxfield wanted to buy locally and wanted a machine with the smallest possible footprint and with a collapsible handle so that he could keep it in his RV. He chose a Goal Zero Yeti Lithium 500X Portable Power Station.

He also chose a 4 panel connected 100 watt solar panel by Goal Zero, called the Nomad 100, which can fold up.

Medium Power Supplies

 Tom and I wanted a higher capacity battery, but I needed to be able to carry it. We had to run a battery-powered oxygen concentrator (how many watts?).  With a lot of help from Ron Constable, I ended up buying a Jackery 1000 package which included two 100 watt solar panels.  The solar panels charge the battery from 0 to 100% in 8 hours in full sun.  In our case, Tom’s battery powered oxygen concentrator could last about 10 hours on the battery pack. We have a charger that can charge one of the two concentrator batteries separately, which leaves a lot of room for charging other things like iPhones, iPads and computers.  We should also be able to light one lamp, although we did buy a battery-operated lantern. The Jackery 1000 weighs 22 pounds and is fairly easy for me to carry. I bought from Amazon because Home depot’s Jackery was listed as the 880 and in fact only ran 880 watt-hours. When I searched for their 1000, it was significantly more money.

You can see the size of the battery compared to a bottle of wine and how easy it is to store the two panels in a closet.  This is what it looks like open.




 Bill Anderson has a Jackery 1500 plus the four 100 watt panels included in his package.  The Jackery 1500 wasn’t available on Amazon, so he bought it through the Jackery company itself.  It weighs 35 pounds.  With the 4 solar panels you can recharge the battery in 4 hours of sunlight.

This is what it looks like out on the trail:

Bill also has a Tesla which can provide electricity, and can have him living the life of Riley for weeks on end without the need for any other power source.  With that, he could use his coffee maker, a small refrigerator, an electric frying pan and a toaster.

If you have or want a Tesla, he is the man to talk to about what it can do for you in a power outage.

Really Large

There are other people on campus who have much larger batteries.  For example, one person has a Goal Zero Yeti 3000X battery plus two 200 watt solar panels that will cost around $3000 plus the panels, but will run things for a significantly longer period of time.  However, it is bigger and heavier (69.78 lb).  The Yeti 3000 comes with wheels.

The weather is changing.  If we are caught in another power outage or worse yet, an earthquake with indefinite loss of power, what would you do? The bottom line is that there are many choices of solar powered back-up battery systems. The three brands mentioned in this article are well respected.  The Jackery and Goal Zero can be bought on-line or in stores such as REI or Home Depot, depending on the brand.  Pricing can be vary a lot, so it pays to double check.  If you have any questions, the companies seem very accessible.  And the owners here on campus have allowed me to post their names as well, and can serve as advisors and references.  And there are all sorts of YouTube videos comparing one power source with another.  It is worth a look!

Below is a link to a chart showing typical wattage for various appliances and equipment:



for example

cell phone      10

laptop             20-75

iPad                10-20

tv-led 32”       50

tv-42 plasma  240

refrigerator    500-750

CPAP 20-60 W depending on model and accessories

Oxygen concentrators    high power, 100-600 W







Bringing Lawn Bowling Back to its Former Glory

By Joni Johnson

Did you know that one of RVM’s residents reached the quarter-finals in the National Lawn Bowling Championship in Seattle? That was Eleanor Ritchie in 1985, when more than 200 men and women from all over the United States had competed in that event.  In addition, in 1983, also at the Nationals, Eleanor won the “triples” (bowling with 2 others) and was runner up in doubles.  It is still possible to find her name on the internet.

       First Bowling Green at RVM

Did you know that 1961, the very same year the Manor opened, was the year that RVM broke ground for a natural grass, three-rink green that existed approximately where the current exercise room and indoor pool exists today?  That was also the same year that the indoor one-rink green was built.  One might wonder why an ecumenical community group of Methodists, Episcopalians, and Presbyterians who were creating Rogue Valley Manor for retirees might be so interested in creating two lawn bowling greens at the very beginning of RVM’s existence.  No one knows for sure, but the guess is that one of the members of the RVM executive Board, the Rev. R.V. Bolster, who was a native of County Cork, Ireland, educated at Trinity College, and a member of the Royal Dublin Fusiliers, was the initiator.

                Bowling in 1973

What happened next? you ask.  After more than 10 years, the natural-grass green became very difficult to maintain, so a new green was created in 1973 using donations from 27 people for the artificial turf.  The single green ran between the old health center and what is now the gym area, but went north south. And then, in 1992, to make room for the new health center addition, the current, two-rink green facing east-west was created.

All sorts of tournaments took place in the ensuing years.  Someone said that “a day without bowls is like a day without orange juice.”  In 1987, RVM’s bowling club accepted invitations to tournaments with three clubs in Oregon and individual members bowled in Arizona, California and Washington.

I started bowling shortly after I arrived on campus in the spring of 2019.  At that time, Alan Bushell gave us several classes to understand the game and how to roll the bowl.  For those new to the game, it’s called a bowl rather than a ball because it is not symmetrically round and therefore, when it leaves your hand, it goes straight for a while and then it curves. So it’s not only a physical game, it’s also a game of strategy.  When I started, there were meetings and dinners, and it was very hard to get on a team.  I was a sub for quite a while until someone decided to quit and there was a place for me.

Then Covid hit and all turned to naught.  While people still played, rather than being a club that felt cohesive and strongly bonded, we became just a gaggle of teams.  Nobody met as a group beyond the teams and so enthusiasm sort of waned.

                 Norm Boice

Norm Boice, the new president of our RVM Lawn Bowls Club, wants to return us to our former glory.  He would love to have receptions and tournaments and events and meals again. “We have to be a little cautious because of the pandemic,” he says, “but with almost all of the residents and employees vaccinated, life might return somewhat to normal here at our cocoon on the hill.  Lawn Bowling used to be THE sport.  And the fact that we have both a beautiful outdoor two-rink green and an indoor green for winter is extraordinary.  There are only two other lawn bowling clubs in Oregon.  One is in Portland, and the other is in a retirement center in King City. How lucky we are, and we should take full advantage of our good fortune.”

If you are interested in knowing more about the game, please contact Norm Boice at X6164 or email him at normb2306@gmail.com

Coordinators’ Corner

Anybody may read it, but it’s mostly handy info and recent updates for RPG Coordinators

Report on Coordinators’ meeting 10/6/21:  Q&A, input, reports on RPG activities present and future  To view or download the PDF, CLICK HERE

Topics:  Radio training, Safety vest gear, subject of review documents (below)


Documents posted for information, or for review and comment

RPG Personnel Needs.  Announcement, 10/15/21.  To view or download PDF, CLICK HERE

RPG Functional Reliability: Personnel Backups  Draft for Review 10/02/2021  To view or download the PDF, CLICK HERE

This document describes the need for having backup replacements for absent coordinators, and suggests approaches to addressing the need.

Preparedness Review and the Great Shakeout  To view or download the PDF, CLICK HERE

Proposed semiannual readiness review, linked in the Fall to the international earthquake safety awareness program (The Great Shakeout)

Getting in Touch, Staying in Touch: Draft for Review 10/02/2021  To view or download the PDF, CLICK HERE

Workshops designed to assist coordinators in developing relationships with residents to build individual and local community preparedness