Auntie Samantha wants YOU!



OK, folks, let’s have a little chat.  You read the Complement.  You may even enjoy it — some people tell us they do.   And it is a giant freebie — no subscription, no ads, nothing more arduous than clicking a link on your computer.

All of this wonderfulness is brought to you by a handful of core staffers, supported by another handful of pretty regular contributors.  Dedicated, selfless, inspired volunteers, to a person.  And like most volunteer groups they are stretched very thiiiiiin.

This is where you come in, or where you should come in if you have an ounce of community spirit and another ounce of minimal skills.

We’ll deal with your shabby excuses later, just read the pitch first:

We need reporter types, to think up and chase down stories and features.

We need editor types to (1) make sure that the reporter types are comprehensible and (2) pay attention to format and design and layout.

We need backstage boffins to get in and manipulate the software to make everything beautiful and effective.

Based on considerable experience with volunteer activities, let’s dive right in and dismiss a number of very well-worn excuses.

  1.  “I travel a lot.”  Big deal, so do something useful while you are at home.  We’re looking for people to be part of a team and back each other up so the rest of us can take vacations too.
  2.  “I don’t know anything about (fill in the blank)”  If you think those of us putting out the Complement arrived on the job perfectly qualified by training and experience, think again. And again, and again.  We figured it out from the ground up, are still doing so, AND WE CAN HELP YOU LEARN.  They say such activity is good for the ageing mind, AND, for a very special bonus, it’s FUN!
  3.  “I’m just too busy!”  Doing what?  Slurping coffee in the Bistro?  Trying to decide on y our next library book?  Playing games?  Give yourself a break and try something that produces a real product that other people appreciate.  Challenging, but very gratifying. We are  team that really enjoys working together — come join the party!

Full-time commitment not required, just a reasonable degree of reliability.  Contact one of the staff, or email Soon.

The staff:  Bob Buddemeier, Joni Johnson, Connie Kent, Reina Lopez, Diane Friedlander, and Tom Conger

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