What’s New in May
The Manor Mart is Open!, by Connie Kent
-Shop until you drop!
Surviving Surviving, by Joni Johnson
-On surviving sudden loss
The First Step by Bob Buddemeier
-RVM Volunteers Step Up
Confusion Over Freeway Offramp Construction, by Connie Kent
-a collection of posts on the RVM List
“One Life’s End” Comments, by Bob Buddemeier
-Readers’ reactions to the story of Daphne’s Death with Dignity
in Big, Borrowed, or Both
Entry Fee CCRCs Endangered?
-an article circulated on RVM List by Susan Ball
3550: the Portland Mirabella quarterly magazine (most recent issue)
Mirabella Monthly, Newsletter of the Seattle Mirabella (most recent issue)
RVM Spring Birds, a photo collage by Reina Lopez
More Six-Word Novels
–a collection of responses to Eleanor Lippman’s Covid challenge
Still More Words at Play, by Tom Conger
RVM May-July Event & Entertainment Schedule
May Library Display, by Anne Newins
How To Avoid Climate Disaster — (Book Review), by Sally Densmore
Gods of the Upper Air — (Book Review), by Anne Newins
The “Design-a-Kit” Game, by Bob Buddemeier
-a challenge for fans of preparedness
Status and guidance, by Bob Buddemeier & the RPG team
-the latest milestones and plans for RPG
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