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  • From Madge Walls on The Word Nerd on the Letter 'E'

    Very slick! This one tickled me, Connie. As they usually do!

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    2023/07/29 at 10:12 am
  • From Pat McDonald on RVM: Strategy and the Future

    Excellent article on an important topic!

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    2023/07/29 at 9:32 am
  • From Doyne on The Word Nerd on the Letter 'E'

    I want to talk with you about this situation. Stop bugging us with this conundrum.

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    2023/07/09 at 7:47 am
  • From Pat McDonald on RVM: Strategy and the Future

    Excellent, well-written article on an important topic.

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    2023/07/08 at 5:06 pm
  • From Lynne Bonetti on June in the Library

    So good seeing Ellie in the library. All of you volunteers do a great job keeping up with a variety of books for all of us to read. Thank you!

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    2023/06/14 at 5:30 pm
  • From Lynne Bonetti on Bemused Birding

    Thank you Bob, and Anne, for sharing information about the emu. What an amazing big bird!

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    2023/06/14 at 5:28 pm
  • From Lynne Bonetti on The Virginia Range Wild Horses

    Big thank you to you two for making it possible for me to enjoy watching those amazing wild horses!

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    2023/06/14 at 5:22 pm
  • From Robert Mumby on Mr. and Mrs. Raven

    The ravens are not new residents. I enjoyed watching their 2022 youngster.

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    2023/04/12 at 12:54 pm
  • From Sol Blechman on Bandon Oregon Travelog

    This was a great education on what AI can do. Of course, there is no reason to doubt any of what it said. Thanks, George.

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    2023/03/13 at 6:14 am
  • From K Wylie on Anatomy of a Dresser

    I agree totally, as long as clean, nicely patched and decent you can wear it!

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    2023/03/08 at 10:18 am
  • From Mark Tollefson on The Complement Embraces Artificial Intelligence

    About 2 months ago, I discovered ChatGPT. I was working on a computer program at the time, and was using a programming language with which I was only slightly familiar. ChatGPT helped me with some syntax questions at first, delivering what I needed much faster than my sorting through all the Google search results to find one that appropriately met my need.
    Then, I got more bold, and described whole programs by what they should do and what the GUI (Graphical User Interface) should look like. And, it generally produced 90+% of the final solution.
    I have now become better at asking it to write code for me, and I use it constantly. Its solutions generally (not always) work on the first try, and I just add tweaks to make things look nicer or to make it more user friendly. The latter is generally something I could have requested at the start, but didn’t realize was needed until after I tried using the program.
    But you can also have great fun just playing with it.
    Ask it to write a Limerick, a poem, a story, or parody lyrics to a particular song. Give it reasonable guidance or non-sequiturs. Write a fictional story about a boy named Gary who likes butterflies. Or. Write parody lyrics to “O What a Beautiful Mornin’ ” about a tornado, an earthquake, a circus, and a sentient penguin.

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    2023/03/08 at 9:43 am
  • From Mark Tollefson on Bandon Oregon Travelog

    You may want to include the query you made to ChatGPT as a point of interest to users, so they can better understand what Arti has done.

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    2023/03/08 at 9:20 am
  • From Joni Johnson on Bandon Oregon Travelog

    Love the article on Arti. Really interesting.

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    2023/03/08 at 6:50 am
  • From Sol Blechman on The Ultimate Guide to Samuel H. Boardman State Scenic Corridor

    Thank you, George. Well done and potentially useful.

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    2023/02/12 at 8:55 am
  • From Sophia McM on Can You do 20 tons of Laundry per Month?

    Wow, thanks! Lots of answers to years of wondering what happens to my dirty laundry.

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    2023/02/09 at 12:08 pm
  • From kim f Wu on Nit Wit Newz -- January 2023

    I appreciate your article, especially calling for a vote & reporting the result. I also think that the carpet is a bigger issue than the fire place.
    Do you know that there is another log fireplace in the continental room. I didn’t ck whether it works.

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    2023/01/29 at 12:04 pm
  • From Tim Miller on Nit Wit Newz -- January 2023

    Ditto to Pat’s remarks. The column is so thoroughly thought out.

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    2023/01/26 at 1:56 pm
  • From Janet Bourque on Ancestry Vignette- Hawaii

    I finally had an opportunity to talk a bit to Arnold a few days ago and casually asked him where he came from. He answered simply–“Oh, China.” Well that was a bit of an understatement! Then came his family history on “The Complement.” –An engaging and most rewarding read. RVM is a wonderful storehouse of interesting people with fascinating histories. I knew there was more to Arnold’s story–so thanks for sharing him with us, Joni.

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    2023/01/11 at 10:56 am
  • From Nancy Mendenhall on Ancestry Vignette- Hawaii

    A delightful history of remarkable people who put varied talents to work. Excellent examples of opportunities realized! Thank you for telling Arnold’s family’s story in The Complement.

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    2023/01/10 at 5:27 pm
  • From Pat McDonald on Nit Wit Newz -- January 2023

    Another masterful tale!

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    2023/01/09 at 10:05 am
  • From Sue Silfvast on Language Fun: Oxymorons

    Took me a moment to catch on, but then–voila! Very clever.

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    2023/01/09 at 8:30 am
  • From Lynne Bonetti on December in the Library

    Thank you, Anne. I’ve been using my Kindle but my New Year’s Resolution is to check out more books from the library.

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    2022/12/15 at 3:56 pm
  • From Lynne Bonetti on Emergency Power at Home- Why, What and How

    Thanks, Joni! This is helpful. Rick and I realize we need to label our equipment in case we forget the contents and instructions…and go over them once a month to stay current.

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    2022/12/13 at 11:10 am
  • From Sharon Troxel on December in the Library

    Thanks for the reading tips. Another very good title is “Smilla’s Sense of Snow,” by Peter Hoag.

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    2022/12/12 at 5:57 pm
  • From Ken on Camping Solo- The True Story

    Great story!

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    2022/12/10 at 7:04 pm
  • From Tim Miller on NIT WIT NEWZ December 2022

    I would like to see seating of some kind in front of our fireplace.

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    2022/12/10 at 5:53 pm
  • From Judith Bamforth on NIT WIT NEWZ December 2022

    Our new fireplace is the “latest” type around. It’s attractive, but is not the comforting type we’re used to having. We don’t want additional money spent to change it, however, as we feel things are “tight” for all right now.

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    2022/12/10 at 4:09 pm
  • From Janet Snider McGary on NIT WIT NEWZ December 2022


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    2022/12/10 at 1:20 pm
  • From Anne Newins on NIT WIT NEWZ December 2022

    I also have found the Manor lobby fireplace to be artificial looking, although this seems to be the current style based on what I have seen elsewhere. I doubt any changes are imminent, but if you want a cozy fireplace, there is a nice one in the RVM library behind the new book display. Seating is included!

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    2022/12/10 at 1:15 pm
  • From Lynne Bonetti on NIT WIT NEWZ December 2022

    I would prefer warmer colors in the marble display. I’ve heard from one resident, who sat in front of the fireplace one afternoon, that it was the warmest place in the foyer. It’s the carpet that concerns me and the laminated flooring at the coffee/tea area.
    I love reading The NIT WIT NEWZ.
    Happy Holidays! 🎄🎼🤗 🐱 🐱

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    2022/12/10 at 10:35 am
  • From Lynne Bonetti on NIT WIT NEWZ December 2022

    I would prefer warmer colors in the marble display. I’ve heard from one resident, who sat in front of the fireplace one afternoon, that it was the warmest place in the foyer. It’s the carpet that bothers me and the laminated flooring at the coffee/tea center.
    There are more important issues in this world but I love reading The NIT WHIT

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    2022/12/10 at 10:27 am
  • From Bonnie Tollefson on NIT WIT NEWZ December 2022

    Let’s think carefully about this. Arden has a beautiful fake wood fireplace. Drew G. told me at the Gala that they can’t turn it on as it does too good a job of heating the room. We need to be careful what we ask for — we might get it. For now I’m content to watch the flames flicker over the marbles.

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    2022/12/10 at 8:20 am
  • From Sally Densmore on NIT WIT NEWZ December 2022

    We don’t need to get rid of the “marble fireplace” but I do think that there should be some comfy chairs in front of it. Surely we could rearrange the chairs. It’s not the Titanic!

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    2022/12/10 at 8:08 am
  • From Lynne Bonetti on Dave Cochran Changed History

    Dave was not only very intelligent – the twinkle in his eye was so sweet and Joni and Starr were his real loves.

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    2022/11/11 at 2:43 pm
  • From Kenneth Bourque on Dave Cochran Changed History

    RPN is by far the most efficient and developmentally compatible operation system for both computers and calculators. The user accessibility to the stack (which all computers use) is what makes the HP calculators superior to its competitors.

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    2022/11/10 at 7:37 am
  • From Nancy Mendenhall on What about that bridge?  The back story from Al Densmore 

    Yes, Al saw Bear Creek’s potential and worked to bring the greenway from an idea to a treasure; one shared by Jackson County’s cities and the countryside between them. The bridge is a great reminder for us to keep looking ahead…

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    2022/10/10 at 12:43 pm
  • From Sophia Mulder on What about that bridge?  The back story from Al Densmore 

    We are glad both of you are here also…………but to have bridge named after you, that is fantastic after all the work you did Al!

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    2022/10/09 at 4:56 pm
  • From Sol Blechman on NIT WIT NEWZ -- September 2022

    What a fun and creative read. Thanks, Mr. Looney.

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    2022/09/10 at 5:13 am
  • From Ruth Denton Bertaccini on Flo, Jack, Mary and Sue

    I too enjoyed this article about my Great Aunt Mary Florence Denton and Jack Frost that my sister Sue Silfvast just sent to me. What a wonderful coincidence about their connection! I love stories like this one. What a small world we live in.
    Ruth Denton Bertaccini
    Grass Valley, California (where Aunt Flo was born!)

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    2022/09/08 at 7:24 pm
  • From Judy Simpson on Celebrating Norm Boice- Lawn Bowling Extraordinaire

    Don’t forget We have about $1200 in the bank and I have the bank material.
    Judy S

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    2022/09/08 at 9:38 am
  • From Lynne Bonetti on “My Dog Made Me Do It”- Paul Berglund and his Ships

    I feel honored to have seen Paul’s intricately built ships.

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    2022/09/08 at 9:12 am
  • From Lynne Bonetti on Tango at the Manor?   Wow!

    What a treat to have Clay Nelson on our campus!

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    2022/09/08 at 8:41 am
  • From Sue Silfvast on Flo, Jack, Mary and Sue

    Thank you, Connie, for sharing our story. You did it wonderfully well.

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    2022/09/08 at 7:46 am
  • From Pat McDonald on A Trip Through Local Geology

    Ann, thank you. This is an excellent article on a topic of interest.

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    2022/09/07 at 11:05 pm
  • From Sophia Mulder on “My Dog Made Me Do It”- Paul Berglund and his Ships

    Paul this is beautiful.
    You need so much patience to finnish this ship building.
    A pleasure to read about it.


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    2022/09/05 at 4:11 pm
  • From Bob Buddemeier on Use It or Lose It Part 1: Manor Mart

    Concerning the term “support” used in the article, Cynde Maurer has pointed out that resident volunteers are not allowed to work in a retail setting. HOWEVER, volunteers could provide external support for ordering or delivery services, could help design “ads,” notices or other PR material, and provide advice or input on operations — plus probably other helpful activities.

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    2022/08/08 at 11:26 am
  • From Pat McDonald on Hotsy-Totsy: A Review

    Great information, as always.

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    2022/08/08 at 8:22 am
  • From Lynne Bonetti on Taking on Hospice, One Step at a Time

    Dear Joni, thank you for sharing your journey as you cared for Tom and found support for yourself. Your article helped me and others think about how we can better prepare ourselves for what will inevitably occur in our own lives.
    Hospice assisted in our parents’ end of life process. The professionals are focused on supporting the highest quality of life possible at the time – reducing pain and addressing physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs. To help families, they are there to provide practical support and counseling if needed. Rick and I also highly recommend their services and support.

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    2022/07/22 at 12:42 pm
  • From David Drury on Hotsy-Totsy: A Review

    Clear, concise, and friendly. I hope more people follow the link and read this.

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    2022/07/22 at 9:56 am
  • From Nancy Walden on THE ROCKS OF NAPO’OPO’O

    Thank you Madge for sharing this story by Leilani Lewis. Having lived on the west side of the Big Island, it seems quite normal to me to have a learning conversation with rocks. I once had a learning conversation with dolphins while swimming in that same bay.

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    2022/07/21 at 8:08 pm