Posted in N&V

Brief Notices

Organ Recital:  Friday, August 23 at 2 p.m., Dr. Peg Evans will perform in the SOU Music Recital Hall.  Contact Mary Jane Morrison for further information.

Arts and Crafts Fair:  The 2024 Fair will be held on November 6.  Reservations must be submitted by September 30; contact Jill West, 6449, for reservation forms.

RVM Energy Audit:  Representatives of the Energy Trust of Oregon made a presentation to interested residents on the energy audit currently in progress.  Additional information disseminated by the Green Team and RVM administration.



Disaster Preparedness Notes

by Eleanor Lippman

Shortly after I moved to a cottage at Rogue Valley Manor years ago, a new resident talked to me about the Cascadia subduction zone. Coming from southern California and experiencing several mild earthquakes myself, my curiosity was piqued by this new information. So, I invited several neighbors on my block to meet in the shade of my driveway and talk about how to respond if such an emergency occurred. The meeting ended with those in attendance promising to help one another and share supplies. We all left with that warm and fuzzy feeling of kindness and cooperation.

As the years passed, more and more residents became interested in how to respond to potential emergencies that could threaten the residents of Barneberg Hill, and the concern for our health and safety increased. The recent Almeda fire was a stark wake-up call involving emergency evacuation and, luckily, the fire ended up stopping well short of our territory but provided valuable lessons of what to do.

Accessible storage of emergency gear

As the Area Coordinator for Area 2 READY Team (Residents Emergency Assistance Team, formerly Residents Preparedness Group), I was equipped with two walkie-talkie radios, one to communicate with the other groups on campus and one to communicate directly with the people on top of the hill who are in charge.  I always worried about what would happen to my team of dedicated assistants if I was away from campus and something bad happened. My radios were always kept inside my cottage and unavailable to others—especially the radio that communicated with the team in the Manor.

Finally, a suggestion by another committee resident got me thinking….and doing something about it.

I headed to the store and purchased a sealable plastic tub large enough to house my Emergency Preparedness things; I labeled it and packed away everything related to my job …minus items that could not tolerate heat and cold (masking tape, spare batteries). That tub of supplies, well labeled, is now neatly stacked in the storage area by my trash can where my team can get to it in my absence. In order to do this, I promised myself that on the first day of every month, I would retrieve the two walkie-talkies I was assigned and charge them to avoid having them lose energy when subjected to extremes of temperature.

Thus, my nightmare of being away and not being able to do my job has been solved.

Area 2 team — L to R: Mike Renta, Robin Hendrickson, Eleanor Lippman, Dave Douthit

Oh yes, one other thing: on an unpredictable schedule, the Area 2 READY Team members put on their yellow, high visibility vests chock full of things we might need, and we contact every resident under our supervision. We introduce ourselves, encourage our neighbors to have “Go Bags” ready, and provide other information they may need if the worst ever happens.

And, no. When we ring your doorbell, thank you for the invitation to come in for coffee, but we have to move on to the next cottage on our list.

Are We SAFE?

By Joni Johnson from an interview with Jody Willis (Chair of the Landscape and Grounds Committee)

Fire protection is always an issue on RVM residents’ minds during the summer.  The Medford Fire Department and RVM Administration both feel that our high-rises would be safe in a fire emergency and able to withstand any kind of imminent danger.  Anyone needing evacuation from the cottages would go to either the Plaza or the Manor.  Last fall we had a practice run on Horizon Lane for anyone including their pets.  It was very useful both for the residents and for the administration.  I believe that Jens Larsen is planning one for the Quail Point side as well. And if a evacuation is required, it would be as the need arises, depending on the situation.  So it might just be one street at a time if at all.

One of the issues facing RVM is the high grass in back of the health center and the Plaza.  Jody Willis, as chair of the Landscape and Grounds Committee, walked the campus very recently and met with Drew Gilliland to talk about that and other issues.

Because of more rain this Spring, the grass behind the high-rises has indeed grown quite a bit.  However, the grass itself poses very little danger.  Even if a fire does reach it, the consensus is that it would burn very quickly and then die down because of lack of fuel.  Areas that pose higher danger are where low lying branches or tree debris, especially fallen limbs, are on the ground, so the landscape crew has been cleaning up fallen debris and low branches. Before the Almeda fire, that area was used to dump landscape cuttings, but now it is primarily grasses. The grounds crew has also cut back grasses that were next to the roads. The existing roads will act as fire breaks and emergency irrigation lines will dampen the existing foliage  if a fire threatens.  The landscape crew has also been pruning the trees that touch any roof tops.  The fire that occurred a year ago on the slope below the manor reduced fuel and fire risk in that area.

Both water conservation and fire safety make moving to sustainable gardens around each cottage really important.  Every resident has the ability to make their home safer by ensuring that vegetation is about five feet away from cottage walls. In addition, it is important to use low-flammability mulch.  (MULCH – materials applied to the surface of soils to enrich them and conserve soil moisture).  The best option, of course, is rocks and gravel.  Mulches such as decomposed granite, gravel, or rocks offer superior fire-proofing as landscape mulches and should be used when mulch is needed within five feet of buildings or near any combustible structural materials such as siding or decking. Any fallen or windblown leaf litter or debris that has collected on the rocks must be regularly removed to prevent small debris fires from igniting structures. Live plants, even when irrigated, are not recommended within five feet of buildings.

The worst kind of mulches  are pine needles, red cedar bark and shredded rubber.  The best organic mulch is composted wood chips, but it may difficult to find. Composted wood chips are organic and will still burn, but tend to burn at the lowest speed and lowest flame length. If this material does catch fire, it could still ignite any combustible materials. The smoldering of this product could also go undetected by firefighters during a wildfire. If you do decide to use composted wood chips as mulch, single layers are preferable to deep pockets.

Our golf courses are also a good protection against  fire.  As Jody said, “Yes. I am a worrier.  But I think we’ve done a lot to protect the campus. We should be safe here.” And that is the general feeling here at the Manor.

Some of this info on mulch came from the following source –,a%20widespread%20or%20continuous%20manner.

Dogs, Yoga and Other Marvelous Achievements

By Joni Johnson

Thanks to Janet And Jerre Scott, many of us were first introduced to Secret, the 6-year-old Australian Shepherd that was taking the world by storm in 2021, with the video on dog and human yoga poses.

She belonged to Mary Peters, a resident of Bellingham, Washington, who was also taking the world by storm. Unbeknownst to many, Mary had been diagnosed on the autism spectrum and Secret was her therapy dog. Mary found Secret as a puppy in Scio, Oregon, and Mary started her Instagram account in 2015 at the age of 14, just a few months after Secret was born. Mary chose an Australian shepherd because they are known to have a strong work drive and, according to the American Kennel Club, they are remarkably intelligent, quite capable of hoodwinking an unsuspecting novice owner, and a brainy and tireless trainable partner for work or sport.
The reason I say that Mary was taking the world by storm is that she had over a million followers and had been interviewed everywhere including Newsweek. As someone on the autism spectrum, Mary trained Secret to help her negotiate difficult situations. Therapy dogs do a great deal to help people of all ages feel socially and emotionally secure.

Sadly, Secret passed away after a battle with Leukemia in 2022. But Mary was able to find another wonderful Australian Shepherd puppy named Promise, and this year Promise attended Mary’s graduation from the University of Washington with a major in Japanese. Check on the videos at the end of the article that include Promise.

  • Screenshot

There are three types of dogs recommended for people with Autism. One is a companion dog, a second is a therapy dog, and the third and most strenuously trained is a service dog. For more information go to:
According to Loyalty Service Dogs, autism service dogs can help in many ways. Examples include tethering, deep pressure therapy, acting as a deterrent for self-harm, calming tantrums and meltdowns, acting as an anchor to help with bolting, confidence building, and more.
One parent described her experience after having a trained autism therapy dog for her daughter. “I have slept through the night almost every single night since we got him, because Clara is calm and sleeping! This is such a huge change in our lives, I’m not even sure how to describe it, except to say that Clara is awake and cheerful when I come to get her in the morning!”
Mary said that when she started her Instagram account, she hoped her followers might help her with some teaching tips. She spent a year training Secret as a therapy dog. Then the training took off.

Mary uses a method called progressive reinforcement, a term created by San Diego-based dog trainer Emily Larlham. If you visit her YouTube channel, “Kikopup,” you will find more than 350 free in-depth dog training tutorials. “Progressive reinforcement is positive-oriented training without the use of physical or psychological intimidation,” Mary explains. “For example, I reward Secret’s desirable behavior and prevent unwanted behavior.” Each time Secret completes a trick or something new, Mary gives her a treat. She says it would take too long to explain how she trains Secret for complicated tricks such as playing piano or sledding, but Mary generally trains in very small, incremental steps over time to teach Secret a new skill.
From what I gather, Secret first started learning to paint because Mary found a video on Instagram of a dog who could paint. From there it has morphed into yoga, skate boarding, sledding, Irish jigs, vacuuming, doing the laundry and then hanging up the dry shirts, and much much more. I thought her painting was extraordinary for a dog and even for many of the humans I know.

In 2019, Mary taught Secret to play Jenga which is a game where each person must extract a piece of a wooden pyramid without causing the pyramid to fall. Check out the video of her ability to concentrate and her knowledge of the game.

One of the amazing features of the bond that Secret and Mary have is Secret’s willingness to fall backwards into Mary’s outstretched arms even from a significant height. This shows the incredible faith and trust that Secret has for her human. Falling backwards is very difficult for most people, let alone for a dog, because you can’t explain to them that you will be there to catch them. In one of her video posts she wrote, “You need to show them that in everything you do, not just when they are physically falling. Secret trusts that I will catch her, but more importantly, she trusts that I will be there for her in every aspect of life.”

That kind of relationship is a very special one but not easy to duplicate. However, watching videos of her new puppy, we realize that it is possible. How lucky we would all be if we had someone like that in our life. Or if we were there for someone in that way. It really is an inspiration.

Here is a clip of Promise joining the clean up crew for earth day.
And for those who want more dog stuff, this is a lovely reel about Promise and her great, great life.


The Complement Evolves

By Bob Buddemeier

Summary of key points:

1. The Complement is losing one key staff member, and another is showing symptoms of burnout.

2. We have not been successful recruiting enough new participants with the skill sets needed to continue our current pattern of publication.

3. We will experiment with lightening the load by:
—–3.1. Relaxing the publication schedule – rather than posting the issue on the 7th of each month (plus or minus a day), we will probably publish approximately monthly, as personnel time and content permit.
—–3.2. Reducing regular content – if we are low on articles and/or features, we’ll put out a slimmer issue rather than scrambling to find content. Also, we may drop the calendars if they are adequately covered in MyRVM. But,
—–3.3. We will probably reintroduce the parallel “Viewpoints” department to use for longer essays, editorials, and other types of features, rather than trying to adjust length and content to the usual Complement practices. And –

4. We will continue to solicit:
—–4.1. Additional staff members interested in writing, reporting, editing, or layout and formatting (WordPress).
—–4.2. Resident content contributions: reviews, articles/essays, memoir episodes, interviews, features – almost anything well-written and interesting.

5. This will be an experiment, which will be continued (or not) as consistent with the readership we retain and the input of assistance and content we receive.

The Context:

The Complement’s first issue was in the Fall of 2020 – we’ve been in operation over four years (the issues from January 2021 to present are archived at
I enjoy writing, and the whole thing began when I did a few articles for hillTopics. It wasn’t as much fun as I had hoped. The print medium meant early deadlines and specific word-counts, and the use for Marketing resulted in a relentlessly positive tone and some topics being off limits.

In addition to that, there was no campus outlet (other than RVMlist) for resident contributions, either creative, editorial or informational. Also, at that point I was involved with the Residents Preparedness Group (RPG), and frustrated by the lack of a website for information distribution.

I identified a few like-minded people, and we resolved to give it a try. After a few months of thrashing around, we managed to get our site off the ground.

Now, the members of our merry band of geriatric journalists are four years older. RPG has found a web home on the upgraded MyRVM.  I am manifesting diminished stamina, and Connie Kent has been called to a higher office (a euphemism for Residents Council, fortunately not the Ultimate Elevation). Time for a reassessment.

We consistently get 200-300 readers per month, and enough compliments (the other kind) to have a warm and fuzzy feeling occasionally. We have caused essentially no discussions (I think everybody is afraid of being labeled a complainer), but we have attracted a few good contributors, although it would be nice to have some more. We are interested in continuing our Good Works, but if possible, with less effort and more participation.

Which brings us to the Summary of Intentions that began the article. Most of it can be read rather passively, except for item 4.  Please devote your attention, and thoughtful introspection, to those subjects. I think it’s fair to say  (1) on average, we get fun and satisfaction from what we do,  (2) we will welcome new people and material, and (3) it needn’t be much work to make useful contributions.

If you have suggestions, requests — or even complaints – please let us know.
Contacts: Bob Buddemeier, Joni Johnson, Connie Kent, Reina Lopez, Diane Friedlander, Tom Conger.


Changes are Afoot

Changes are coming. As a result of changes in personnel, The Complement will soon transition to a new identity – exactly how things will look is not clear at this time. A number of exciting options are possible. If you think you might be interested in writing for an independent resident web publication, or in helping on the tech side, please contact Bob Buddemeier, Joni Johnson, Connie Kent, or George Yates.

Libraries Need Friends, Too

by Anne Newins

L-R, Volunteer Joan Avery (RVM Resident), Volunteer Coordinator Sandy Winters, Volunteer Gerrie Leinfelter

Hopefully residents have visited the large and modern Medford Library Branch, located at 205 South Central Ave. It is part of Jackson County Library Services (JCLS), which includes fifteen branches.  Established in 1919, the library system now serves 220,000 residents and provides access to books, DVDs, and other materials, along with many other services (  As a regular patron, I have found the system to be user friendly and a source of many books that we would not expect to find in our own Manor library.  Users can suggest books for purchase, and all my requests have been accepted.  Their interlibrary loan service is excellent.

Most residents know about the RVM library services provided by our own foundation and the extensive roster of library volunteers.  But they may not know that despite the tax-funded library amenities, our Jackson

Fred and Barbara Moore in he Medford Library

County system needs friends, too, to deal with unmet needs.  To address some of these needs, almost all branches have “Friends” organizations, including the Medford Library branch, whose Friends group is the Friends of the Medford Library (FOML —

I had the pleasure of meeting with Sandy Winters, who oversees Medford Library volunteer activities and external events.  Sandy managed a mystery bookshop in New York and has been involved in the book business for much of her life.  She believes in getting books to people who need them and that “everyone should have books.”

Among Sandy’s FOML activities are the coordination of the annual Rogue Comic Con fair, with was recently held in downtown Medford, and participating in the Barnstormers Vintage Fair and the upcoming Barnstormers Holiday Fair.  Clearance sales are held periodically in the library allowing people to buy books at especially low prices.

Like our foundation, volunteers are the lifeblood of FOML and it is completely run by them.  Many visitors have seen their appealing book shop located inside the library building, which is operated by volunteers such as Manor resident Joan Avery.  Joan, a retired librarian, said that “it is only logical that I would want to volunteer here. I enjoy talking to the people who come to the shop.” Besides books, the shop also sells attractive stationery, tote bags, very gently used jigsaw puzzles (only $2-$5!) and other items that would make nice gifts.  Most of the books for sale are $2 or less.

Fred Moore and travel books

But there are numerous other opportunities beyond working in the shop. Some of these include setting up displays, promoting the bookshop, assisting with events, sorting book donations, and helping with social media. Most recently, the FOML has started a program to support the little free libraries that often are seen in neighborhoods and other locations.  Each month, the volunteers prepare bags of books that citizens maintaining these locations can use to replenish their contents.

The FOML has two maze-like store rooms filled with books and other donations, each of which must be individually evaluated. There are a number of categories, with volunteers assigned to review and determine their salability. Two RVM residents, Barbara and Fred Moore, are active behind the scenes. Fred curates the donations related to travel, including guidebooks and more literary works. He said that this section “opens our minds to what is exciting about the world.”

Barbara is on the online sales team.  She reviews the donations for possible listing on Amazon.  If books are likely to sell for $15 or more, they are listed and priced competitively. Most of the offerings on Amazon sell from about $35 to $50, although one book sold for over $500. Once a book is purchased, she is responsible for packing and mailing.  Barbara says that it is fun to see what sells; recently one vintage book sold for $85 and was sent to Hawaii.

Barbara Moore among the shipping boxes

FOML efforts have supported numerous programs that are not subsidized by the library’s regular budget. Some examples include funding Children’s Library play equipment, the Story Telling Guild and other community programs, outreach for the housebound, lectures, a ukulele music program, bags for book groups, and donating books to Access.  Access, our local food bank, will include children’s books along with nourishment.

RVM residents can help in many ways, ranging from contributing money, becoming a member of the Friends of the Medford Library for as little as $10 per year, or donating salable books, jigsaw puzzles, games, or DVDs. Volunteers are always needed.  There is much useful information about all these opportunities, as well as other topics, in the FOML website, found at

Asked why they enjoy volunteering at the library, Barbara said that she has “been a lifelong lover of libraries.  They are resilient and keep changing with local cultures.”  Fred said that volunteering in a library is an “affirmation of the life of the mind.”  Please keep the FOML in mind as you consider worthy programs deserving of your support.


Wildfire, Wildfire, Stay Away…

How Can We Talk About Important Issues When We Are So Divided?

by Joni Johnson

As the election grows closer, we are faced with a conundrum.  We all know that it is wise not to talk about politics or religion, and we have been really good about doing that.  Skip has kept us honest during the few times it was a problem on the list serve.  We know these topics can destroy families and friendships.  We all have friends from the other side whom we admire for a million reasons and have so many things in common with as long as those two topics do not come between us.

At the same time, religion and especially politics right now are of great importance, and it is often useful to talk to people with differing views in hopes of learning something new.  Rick Bonetti has really embraced this concept, and so I was fortunate enough to talk with him about how he has dealt with this issue.

Several years ago, he got involved with discussions through Living Room Conversations (LRC). Their website explains their mission.  Here are a few excerpts from the LRC website. “Living Room Conversations (LRC) connects people within communities and across differences through dialogue to build trust and understanding.”

They believe belonging starts with conversation,  and they are committed to designing the resources and opportunities that allow everyone to feel seen and heard while celebrating the differences that make us unique.

“Steeped in the tradition of gathering in parlors to talk (parlor or parlour comes from the French and means a “place for speaking”), Living Room Conversations brings people together to generate understanding and connection. The parlor of today is any place – physical or online – where we find ourselves connecting with others.” Their unique conversational model makes it easy for anyone to create a safe and welcoming environment where people can respectfully discuss important issues.

And it is so much easier to discuss certain issues in a safe place with people you don’t know but are interested in exploring topics that can tear good friends apart.

Here is a link to a Ted Talk with the founders of LRC:

Rick first participated in Living Room Conversations on Zoom in Spring 2021 during the pandemic. The discussion between 6 people was facilitated by Irene Salter and followed a script. Irene has a PhD in neurology and a website called Inquiring Minds! She also advocates for Difficult Conversations:

When Rick participated in these online discussions with 5 strangers, he remembers the experience very positively.  First, people gave an overview of who they were and then went right into discussing the particular topic.  He felt that while no one changed anybody’s mind, there was a greater understanding of various viewpoints.  At the end, people wanted to meet in person to discuss the issue further.  But, of course, Covid stood in the way.   Rick felt that the most important thing for a successful outcome was conviviality and mutual respect.

Rick aligns himself with Don Quixote – going after windmills – like a fool or a seer!

Because of this, Rick also writes a blog he calls Rogue Valley Voice, which is focused on “bringing forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on this planet.”

Community, conversation and communication are a big part of his blog posts. Unlike the current political rhetoric, he looks for common ground. Here’s a link to his blog:

In one of his blog pieces he talked about the Oregon Humanities Conversation Project, which started in 2022 and is still going strong.

Their objective is to help Oregon residents learn to participate in and facilitate “reflective conversations” about vital issues and questions across differences, beliefs, and backgrounds, though online and in-person training.

Here is their website with new topics for 2024:

And if you feel that you would like to have a conversation with friends and family about controversial issues, here’s an article about how to do that and still remain friends.

But when you get an itch to know more but doubt if it is wise talking about it with your friends across the table, think about getting involved with one or more of these platforms.  It’s better than Facebook!



By Bob Buddemeier

Take about a square mile of real estate located within a small city that is bisected by a major interstate and located in an area prone to wildfires, storms, and occasional Great Earthquakes. Populate it with about 850 senior citizens representing almost the complete spectrum of mental and physical conditions, and stir in some fraction of the >500 employees (exact number dependent on day and time). What could go wrong?

Well, almost anything. That’s why RVM has a professionally staffed Department responsible for Security and Emergency Preparedness, plus an extensive resident volunteer organization (RPG — the Residents Preparedness Group) designed to back up the Security Department in case of a protracted emergency or overwhelming disaster.

The Department of Campus Security is led by Director Jens Larsen (who is usually addressed as Jens-with-a-J, but will answer to the more ethnically authentic Yens). In addition to Jens, the Department consists of 10 full-time employees and two on-call backups who fill-in for staff absences. All Security employees have Oregon State certification, as well as certification in First Aid, CPR, and defibrillator use (AED).

Jens, who has been at RVM since 2018, has accumulated 25 years of Security work experience since he started with part- time work while completing his Bachelor’s degree in political science. He has also completed numerous training courses and received certifications from FEMA and the State of Oregon.
All department members must have basic Security Officer Certification from the Oregon Department of Public Safety, as well as certification in First Aid, CPR, and defibrillator use (AED). Department employees may also have additional experience and qualifications – for example, two are currently enrolled in an EMT training program.
The Department has Shift Leaders (day and night), and 3-4 staff members on campus, depending on time of day. There is always a dispatcher on duty to receive calls, monitor alarms and cameras, and direct responses. Duty officers patrol the campus regularly, looking out for potential problems.

The security department serves us well in the normal course of events, but 10 people would be spread pretty thin (even if all were present) during a major disaster like a large earthquake, or a long term emergency like a protracted regional power outage.

Bob Berger, RPG Chaiur

The Residents Preparedness Group (RPG) is a Select Committee of the Residents Council. Bob Berger is the current Chair, Linda Spence (RN) is the Medical coordinator, and Dan Curtis manages the radio communication activities. The organization of resident volunteers has been established to provide some critical backup functions in case Security personnel are overloaded by events. The primary RPG mission is communication support. None of the RVM communication avenues reliably reach everybody, and in case of a major power outage, all of them could be shut down or seriously compromised.

RPG is organized with one or more “coordinators” in each cottage neighborhood and on every high-rise floor. They are equipped with hand-held radios, and in the event of a major emergency they would go door to door to deliver messages as required, checking for damages, injuries or other problems. The neighborhood and floor coordinators report to (and receive instructions from) a smaller group of Area coordinators, who are in radio communication with the resident radio room. From there, information is exchanged with the RVM Incident Commander or Administration in order to coordinate the best use of available resources.

Although the only requirement placed on the Neighborhood/floor coordinators is their communication function, it is expected that they will be familiar with the residents in their areas of responsibility so that they would know, for example, who would need assistance if an evacuation is ordered.

Fortunately, a substantial number of volunteers have experience in medical or emergency service, and RPG has been building in a growing first aid response capability. This involves positioning first-aid packs around campus in locations accessible to coordinators and other volunteers, and offering classes in First Aid and CPR.

The resident population in general (= you) — Ideally, everybody’s safety is everybody’s business. We hope that everyone will familiarize themselves with the people and procedures organized to keep campus and residents safe and secure. Sources of information are presented at the end of this article. If you are willing and able to contribute to the efforts, talk to Bob Berger or your local are/neighborhood/floor coordinator.

Finding Information about Security on MyRVM