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What’s New in October

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Interested in previous issues?  Scroll to the bottom of the page.  In the center is a “Load More” link.  Click this to display past articles.



What about that bridge? The back story from Al Densmore, by Joni Johnson

About Being Green…, by Bob Buddemeier

The Karnatz Korner – October – November 2022

Knock, Knock, by Bob Buddemeier


Smokey’s Favorite Toast, courtesy of Bill Silfvast

The RVM Craft Fair

NIT WIT NEWS – October 2022, by A. Looney

October in the Library, by Anne Newins

The Woman in the Library book review, by Bonnie Tollefson

Events and Opportunities: October-November

in Big, Borrowed, or Both

3550:  the Portland Mirabella quarterly magazine (most recent issue) Click Here

Mirabella Monthly, Newsletter of the Seattle Mirabella (October issue) Click Here


Be Ready to Shiver and Shake! by Bob Buddemeier

RPG Manual – Resident Preparedness

Celebrating Norm Boice- Lawn Bowling Extraordinaire

By Joni Johnson, pictures by Reina Lopez

On Wednesday, August 31, the lawn bowling club celebrated the retirement of Norm Boice at a dinner at the Manor.   Norm, in his two years plus term as president, has done a remarkable job in moving our club forward during these hard times. He initiated several parties, started the process of bowl inventory, increased visibility of the bowling club and reconnected us with our amazing past.

Did you know that Lawn Bowling has been part of RVM since its inception, with both indoor and outdoor playing fields as part of its original plans.  And more importantly, RVM is one of the very few CCRC facilities in west that has lawn bowling as an option.  If you go to the Lawn Bowling page on you will have access to articles and stories about the club and its history.  Enjoy!  And thank you Norm for his leadership and foresight during the pandemic.

Norm says, “We have completed two-plus years battling all sorts of obstacles; COVID, smoke, heat, cold, interruption of social connections, member health issues, just to name a few.  But true to the club’s 60-year history, these two-plus years brought progress. As we know, there is a lot more to do: recruit new members to generate excitement, social events to reconnect members, and some competition to stimulate growth. With COVID about over (please let it be true), the door is open to make some real forward progress. Lawn bowling is a sport that everyone can enjoy and we are indeed fortunate that 60 years ago our founders had the foresight and vision to make it available to all of us.”

this site takes you to the activities page.  Go to lawn bowling and see the various stories about lawn bowling at RVM.

A CCRC Residents’ Bill of Rights

by Connie Kent and Bob Buddemeier

Did you know that residents of CCRCs in Oregon are guaranteed specific rights by State law? It is true – the current version, dated 2021, may be found on the Oregon Legislature website: The 17 articles of the Bill are included at the end of this piece.

The articles of the current bill address most of the things you might expect – the CCRC’s obligation to assist and support the resident, non-discrimination, privacy, medical care, freedom of activities and associations, and communications between resident and “provider” (the CCRC management).

From 2013 to approximately 2017, an RVM version of Resident Rights was posted on MyRVM. That version was later supplanted by a very slightly different (unfortunately undated) PRS/CARF version of Resident Rights. [Note: CARF is an accreditation organization to which PRS formerly belonged.] You can find this document at Both of these documents were apparently based on a very similar but slightly older version (2011) of the rights statement, which is still available on the Oregon Secretary of State website:

In early July 2022 the CARF/PRS version was still posted on MyRVM, but it could be found only by searching; there were no links to it. Residents Council Officers agreed that the information should be provided to residents. When we consulted Administration, Executive Director Stan Solmonson explained that the document had been “unlinked” because it carried the logo of CARF, and the Manor is no longer associated with CARF.

Stan agreed that the document needed to be available to residents, and said that he would make sure that is updated, republished, posted and distributed.

The text of the Oregon statute is reproduced below. A final RVM version may differ slightly because Articles 12 and 13 refer to policies for which the CCRC is responsible, and certain general terms (e.g., “reasonable” in Article 16) might be replaced with specific policy statements.


ORS 101.115 Resident rights.

[Definition: “Provider” means an owner or operator, whether a natural person, partnership, trust, limited liability company, corporation or unincorporated association, however organized, of a new or existing continuing care retirement community, whether operated for profit or not, that provides, plans to provide or agrees to provide continuing care to one or more unrelated residents under a residency agreement.]

(1) A provider must assist a resident, upon request, in the exercise of the resident’s rights as a citizen of the United States and as a resident of this state. A resident has the right to exercise all rights that do not infringe upon the rights or safety of other residents.

(2) A resident has the right to review a provider’s disclosure statements.

(3) A provider may not discriminate or impose any requirement or restriction based on sex, marital status, race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity or national origin of a resident, a prospective resident or a resident’s visitor.

(4) A provider shall make reasonable accommodations to ensure that services are accessible to residents who have disabilities.

(5) A provider shall treat each resident with respect and dignity at all times, and ensure privacy for each resident during rehabilitation or treatment and when receiving personal care services.

(6) A resident has the right to associate and communicate privately with persons of the resident’s choice and to send and receive mail that is not opened by the provider.

(7) A resident has the right to be free from abuse as defined in ORS 124.005.

(8) The residents’ council has the right to meet with the provider no less than twice each year and must be allowed free discussion at the meetings of subjects that may include, but need not be limited to, facility income, expenditures, financial trends, resident concerns, proposed changes in policy, programs and services, and any other issue identified by the council or a resident under ORS 101.112 (1).

(9) A resident has the right to participate in social, religious and community activities at the discretion of the resident.

(10) A resident has the right to be fully informed, prior to or at the time of admission and during the resident’s period of residency, of services available in the continuing care retirement community, whether the provider participates in the Medicare or Medicaid programs and the consequences of the participation or lack of participation by the provider in the Medicare or Medicaid programs.

(11) A resident has the right to refuse medication, treatment, care or participation in clinical trials or other research.

(12) A resident has the right to obtain treatment, care and services, including but not limited to home health and hospice care, from persons providing health care who have not entered into a contract with or are not affiliated with the provider, subject to policies of the CCRC regarding the provision of services by persons that are not under contract.

(13) A resident has the right to submit grievances and to suggest changes in policies and services either orally or in writing to staff or other individuals without fear of restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal by the provider. A provider must adopt written policies and procedures for the timely resolution of a resident’s grievance.

(14) A resident has the right to be free from harassment by other residents and to peaceful enjoyment of the CCRC without interference from other residents.

(15) A provider shall keep clinical and personal records of residents confidential. A resident or an authorized representative of the resident has the right to a prompt inspection of the records pertaining to the resident’s care. The provider shall provide photocopies or electronic copies of a resident’s records to the resident or the authorized representative at a reasonable charge.

(16) A resident has the right to receive notice of proposed changes in fees or services in accordance with ORS 101.112. The provider must allow residents a reasonable opportunity to comment on the proposed changes before the changes become effective.

(17) A provider shall have a procedure in place for a resident to request that a staff person of a particular sex be assigned to assist the resident with activities of daily living. The provider shall accommodate the request unless the provider is unable to do so. If the provider is unable to accommodate the request, the provider shall notify the resident, in writing, of the reasons why the provider is unable to accommodate the request and shall maintain documentation showing why the provider cannot accommodate the request. [2009 c.201 §12; 2015 c.839 §1; 2021 c.367 §6]

What’s New in September

*-Do you want to get a personal email notification of a new Complement issue or new material?   Email us at and we will put you on the mailing list

Interested in previous issues?  Scroll to the bottom of the page.  In the center is a “Load More” link.  Click this to display past articles.



Celebrating Norm Boice – Lawn Bowling Extraordinaire, by Joni Johnson, pictures by Reina Lopez

Karnatz Korner September-October 2022, by Bob Buddemeier, information from Sarah Karnatz

Tango At the Manor?  Wow!  by Joni Johnson

A CCRC Residents’ Bill of Rights, by Connie Kent and Bob Buddemeier

Flo, Jack, Mary and Sue, by Connie Kent


September’s Library Display, by Anne Newins

My Pal Hank, by Tom Conger

NIT WIT NEWZ –  September 2022, by A. Looney  

A Trip Through Local Geology, by Anne Newins with additional information provided by George Yates

RVM  September-October Event & Entertainment Schedule

in Big, Borrowed, or Both

3550:  the Portland Mirabella quarterly magazine (most recent issue) Click Here

Mirabella Monthly, Newsletter of the Seattle Mirabella (September issue)  Click Here


RPG Manual – Resident Preparedness

Use It or Lose It Part 1: Manor Mart

By Bob Buddemeier

In the recently distributed RVM FY 2022-2023 Budget Summary, the following statement appears:

Translation:  Don’t expect RVM to subsidize this forever.

As far as I could find out, there is not a firm timeline or net income amount set for determining whether the Manor Mart stays or goes, but the warning is clear.

Why do we need it?  For people without cars, or with limited mobility, it can be nearly essential.  Mart Manager Alicia Aldrich says that some residents do essentially all of their shopping there.  This says a lot about the combination of stocked goods and ordering possibilities that the Mart offers – people who get their meals provided can find almost all of the household and personal items they need.

Alicia also says that the markups are low – comparable to most retail outlets.  This means that somebody who hops in the car to go to Freddie’s and pick up some minor item is paying an additional $0.50-1.00 for gas, taking an extra 20+ minutes, and dealing with the hassles of traffic and parking.  Why would they do it?  Force of habit is one answer, but there are some others.  One issue is that of hours.  If your head hurts at 7 p.m. and you’re out of Tylenol, or if you get a desperate craving for an ice cream bar on Sunday, you’re out of luck as far as the Mart is concerned.  This is a tough problem, because staying open requires people and people are expensive.

What can be done to increase business?  Without using the “advertising” word, we can discuss awareness-raising and attention-getting,  Those activities might be combined with sales or featured items, or just used as the Channel 900 spots are – for information and encouragement

The Complement is willing to run Manor Mart notices. I would hope that hillTopics and Bits and Pieces would do the same for this in-house resource that benefits the residents.  But what ad agency is going to organize this campaign and generate the material?  Alicia is the one-woman do-everything proprieter whose time is taken up with managing and trying to improve and expand store services.   Couldn’t we find some residents with retail or PR experience who would be willing to support the Manor Mart on a volunteer basis?  This would be a real service. (see comment on “support” in the reply section below)

Another point – the Manor Mart was (re) established after sustained resident (including Resident Council) pressure and requests.  OK, activists, you got it – now what are you going to do to keep it?  It seems to me that this is something deserving of sustained attention and support – a task force or support team organized by the Residents Council.  Or, if that can’t happen, an independent group of people who really care.  There are numerous examples of that happening at RVM.

There need to be some solutions found, because the problem is well-defined: if enough people don’t use it, we all lose it.

Flo, Jack, Mary and Sue

by Connie Kent

Mary and Jack Frost with Sue

Shortly after moving to the Manor, Sue Silfvast stood to introduce herself to her local P.E.O. chapter (Philanthropic Educational Organization). Asked to choose just one important element of her life, she chose to describe her visit to Japan in 2007. She had been invited by the alumni association of the Doshisha University in Kyoto to represent the family and give a talk at a celebration of the 150th birthday of her great aunt, Mary Florence Denton (1857-1947), who had been a missionary and educator in Japan for 60 years. Sue, her husband Bill and her cousin Sandra were overwhelmed when they were greeted with deep bows upon their arrival. The Japanese revered “Aunt Flo.” She was considered a “national treasure” by the Japanese.

Miss Denton had been decorated with the Sixth Class Order of the Sacred Treasure by the Japanese government, the first woman and the first American ever to receive the award.

In 1888, after having taught for 17 years in California (starting when she was 17 years old) Mary Florence Denton answered God’s call (through the American Board of Foreign Missions), packed up her life, boarded a ship, and moved to Japan. She became active in the Japanese Red Cross, the Volunteer Nurses’ Association and in aiding Russian prisoners during the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05). She was instrumental in founding the Kyoto Y.W.C.A, the Japanese W.C.T.U, and the Women’s Society for Moral Reform. At just over 30 years of age, she joined the faculty of the Doshisha School in Kyoto, now one of the most prestigious private universities in Japan. She taught Japanese girls geology, botany, astronomy, English, Bible, cooking and nursing. She made herself responsible for nursing any of the girls who were ill in the dormitory and for years she was head of the dormitory matrons.

At her P.E.O. meeting, Sue describedher aunt, how honored she felt to be associated with a relative that was so highly regarded by so many Japanese, and the amazing welcome she and Bill had received in Japan. Suddenly she heard a gasp from the audience.

“Wait. Could your aunt be the woman my husband has talked about so much? Are you talking about Mary Florence Denton, of Kyoto, in the forties, right after the War?”

The speaker was Mary Frost. “My husband Jack was in the Army in Japan and went to see Miss Denton several times. Meeting her had a big impact on him. He can’t say enough about the great lady who> was so respected by the Japanese. Why, the Japanese took care of her all during the war, when America was fighting Japan!”

And that’s how, almost eighty years later, Sue met Jack and Mary Frost, who were also living at the Manor. Jack had befriended “Aunt Flo” toward the end of her life, visiting her and bringing her medicine. Miss Denton had retired in 1928, but continued to live in her home on the grounds of the Doshisha, cared for by a devoted Japanese family. But the medicines she needed weren’t readily available in Japan, so the Red Cross provided them, and Jack, having fallen in love with her, was one of the delivery boys.

Mary and Jack Frost with Sue and pictures of “Aunt Flo”



When Sue got together with Jack and Mary, they shared with her the journals Jack had kept during his time in Japan. Turns out “Aunt Flo” had many distinguished visitors in addition to GI’s like Jack, among them the Theodore Roosevelts, Charles Lindbergh and his wife, Malcolm MacDonald, son of England’s then Premier, and countless others.

What are the odds? A fellow Manor resident knew and admired Sue’s Aunt, a legend in Sue’s family who lived half way around the world, and whom Sue herself had never met.


Karnatz Korner August – September 2022

by Bob Buddemeier, based on information from SARAH KARNATZ


As you might expect, Karnatz Kountry just continues to expand.  This month we feature even more words from the prophetess herself, and a penetrating look all the way into NEXT month.

August 9 & August 23 Links n’ Drinks Plaza Patio 12p – 1p.  This is simple. BBQ’d links (yes there are vegetarian options) chips, drinks (leaded & unleaded) and novelty ice cream bars. No bands, no games, just good ol’ fashion BBQ and conversations.   Reservations are required, but if you didn’t make the cut, don’t despair — events are planned for Sep 13th & 27th, so be ready to pounce when sign-ups are announced.

August 16 Kona Ice for staff, courtesy of Foundation, 11a -2p set up behind the pool. Last staff event for the year.

August 17 Oregon Wine Experience  – off campus Aug 17-21. RVM is the sole sponsor for the Oregon Wine Experience Medal Celebration.  RVM’s Executive Chef Bill Tuenge and his Chefs will be making magic with 4 specialty curated items and showcasing the RVM talent this year!  For information, see

August 8 & August 22 RESIDENT Kona Ice 11a-3p, including an early stop at the MSC before continuing along the route as planned.  Aug 22 is the last one for the year.

August 25 Saucy 60s Theme Concert (2 – 4p) Auditorium. To shine a spotlight on the 60’s we are bringing up a really cool rockin’ 60’s tribute band to play all kinds of boogie 60’s music. This is the perfect opportunity to show off your tye-dyed bell bottoms, as 60’s fashion is encouraged!  No reservations needed — just come on in.

August 26–  a Wine and Cheese reception (4-6)  in the Sunrise Room –resident art project, Family History: then and now. Please join us in The Sunrise Room of the Terrace: meet the people behind the posters: the parents, grandparents and maybe even great grandparents of RVM residents. It’s all here. America at its best viewed thru the eyes of Manor residents with their amazing stories.


All Month — the Golden Golf Ball Hunt is back!  Annabel hides them all over campus; when found residents & staff bring them back to me in the CE Office to claim their prize.

All Month — Treasure Island display – Auditorium display case – remember the cabinet of curiosities? This is the treasure version.  Residents had some really cool items, not really odd… so I wanted to do a treasure display.  Bring your items to the auditorium at 9 a.m. Sep 1, or call 7246 to seeif your item is appropriate.

Game Shows Begin the first week in September: I’m teaming up with Reverend Scott, Kathy Fitzpatrick, Jordan Mo, and Cam Deen to start our very own RVM Game Show Night. Some are classic inspired, some are new age, but all are fun! Stay tuned, more to follow on this one.

September 5 Labor Day – additional lunch option. Caribbean Cook out in the Auditorium (or pocket lot if its nice outside) 11a – 1p Includes Staff working that day! Amazing REAL Caribbean food!! And yes he will have vegetarian and Gluten Free options.

September 8 Meet the Author Round 2 –Deschutes Room. The 1st meet the author was a huge success, and it will return by popular demand. Did you know that we have over 140 published works from past and current RVM residents? This is a speed dating set up. 6 or 7 residents and 1 author are at each table for a set amount of time where authors can discuss their works, their inspirations and answer questions, then when the timer goes off, the author moves to the next table. Drinks and snacks provided.  Sign-up sheets should be out Sep 1.

September 11 – First Responders Remembrance Stair Climb & BBQ (not open to residents, this is something special we do to thank our local First responders and remember 9-11) Fire districts from all over southern Oregon come and climb the tower stairwell, then participate in a small ceremony on the roof, and enjoy a chef attended BBQ in the pocket lot.

September 16 – 23 RVM Autumn Games. Like the good ol’ days, just different. Timothy has some great ideas for this year’s Autumn games! Opening Ceremony is on September 16 followed by a week of knock down drag out games!  If you haven’t signed up it’s too late to play, but there will be plenty of room in the bleachers for you to cheer or jeer you favorite teams.

Electric Car Sharing

The following is a reproduction of a brief article on page 7 of the March edition of Portland Mirabella’s 3550.

[Ed. note — Mirabella’s car-sharing service was also covered in the Spring 2022 issue of PRS’s Perspectives (just out – p. 9). It has been suggested to RVM Administration that this service be reviewed for possible adoption at RVM.]

Important Imports

by Bob Buddemeier and Connie Kent


Mirabella Portland is, like RVM, a CCRC that is part of  Pacific Retirement Services, Inc.  Their resident-produced quarterly newsmagazine, “3550,” often contains articles relevant to RVM.  In this feature we present brief summary descriptions of two recent articles, along with links for those who might wish to read them.  The link to “3550” provides access to both the current issue and back issues.


Covid Costs PRS, by Ed Parker, June issue, page 19.

This article is based on co-editor Ed Parker’s interview with Eric Scholty, Executive Director of PRS, concerning the financial effect of the COVID pandemic on PRS finances.  Some key points contained in the article (items in italics are direct quotations):

Eric declined to provide a specific dollar figure for Covid-related losses, but said it was “multi-multi-millions of dollars.” 

However he also said that despite being hit hard financially by the Covid pandemic, PRS had better financial reserves and a stronger management team than most retirement communities.  He also pointed to the PRS strategic planning process that “…should pay attention to what future retirement residents will want “10 to 50 years from now.”

Eric said that some current residents may resist change, but he must introduce changes that will attract future residents. 


Bylaws Reform Proposed, by John Foreman, June issue, pp 6-7.

Excerpts from the article are printed below — items in italics are direct quotes.

A few months ago the RAMP council, the governing body of RAMP, appointed an ad hoc bylaws committee … to look at all the bylaws, especially after problems caused by the pandemic (and) the way in which the RAMP bylaws are affected by the bylaws and actions of the related entities: the Mirabella Portland board, the Mirabella Portland Foundation and Pacific Retirement Services Inc.

The proposed changes are now undergoing community review before the intended vote in September.

A major theme …is authorization of the council to make rules to address governance issues… One of the pandemic’s lessons is that the council sometimes needs to be able to adapt quickly to unanticipated changes. 

Another major theme of the revisions is an attempt to bring openness provisions to RAMP proceedings that are analogous to the openness requirements for government activities in the State of Oregon.

Another theme in the revisions is expanding the use of electronic and digital media to help increase the number of members who can participate in RAMP activities.

An important function of RAMP is to advocate for the interests of its members. The revisions expand the purposes of RAMP to include advocacy for the interests of RAMP members before more organizations, including the Pacific Retirement Services, Inc., the parent corporation of the Mirabella Portland board, and the community outside of Mirabella Portland. The revisions authorize RAMP to use funds from sources other than the allocation from the Mirabella Portland that has provided the bulk of RAMP’s operating funds in the past. The revisions also authorize RAMP to retain the services of independent legal counsel should that need arise.

Karnatz Korner September – October 2022

The Words of the Karnatz,  lightly edited by Bob Buddemeier

Into the future we go — just try not to trip over the masses of frolicking residents.


All Month — the Golden Golf Ball Hunt is back!  Annabel hides them all over campus; when found residents & staff bring them back to me in the CE Office to claim their prize.

All Month — Treasure Island display – Auditorium display case – remember the cabinet of curiosities? This is the treasure version.  Residents had some really cool items, not really odd… so I wanted to do a treasure display.  Bring your items to the auditorium at 9 a.m. Sep 1, or call 7246 to seeif your item is appropriate.

Game Shows Begin the first week in September: I’m teaming up with Reverend Scott, Kathy Fitzpatrick, Jordan Mo, and Cam Deen to start our very own RVM Game Show Night. Some are classic inspired, some are new age, but all are fun! Stay tuned, more to follow on this one.

September 11 – First Responders Remembrance Stair Climb & BBQ (not open to residents, this is something special we do to thank our local First responders and remember 9-11) Fire districts from all over southern Oregon come and climb the tower stairwell, then participate in a small ceremony on the roof, and enjoy a chef attended BBQ in the pocket lot.

September 16 – 23 RVM Autumn Games. Like the good ol’ days, just different. Timothy has some great ideas for this year’s Autumn games! Opening Ceremony is on September 16 followed by a week of knock down drag out games!  If you haven’t signed up it’s too late to play, but there will be plenty of room in the bleachers for you to cheer or jeer you favorite teams.

September 11 – First Responders Remembrance Stair Climb & BBQ (not open to residents, this is something special we do to thank our local First responders and remember 9-11) Fire districts from all over southern Oregon come and climb the tower stairwell, then participate in a small ceremony on the roof, and enjoy a chef attended BBQ in the pocket lot.

September 13 & September 27 – Links & Drinks on the Plaza Patio! Enjoy a chef attended BBQ from 12p – 1p. Sign ups are limited to 80 per event, due to seating in that beautiful area. If you have already had a chance to sign up, perhaps you could let your fellow residents have a reservation and a chance to enjoy the links with a view of the links. These patio BBQ’s are so popular that  if the weather cooperates, there will be more in October.

September 16 – 23 RVM Autumn Games. Like the good ol’ days, just different. Timothy has some great ideas for this year’s Autumn games! Opening Ceremony is on September 16 followed by a week of knock down drag out games! If you haven’t signed up it’s too late to play, but there will be plenty of room in the bleachers for you to cheer or jeer you favorite teams.

All good things must come to an end – September 25th will be the last Bistro entertainment performance. The Bistro will still be open — just no more live entertainment. Don’t fret, the Bistro HH entertainment will return next year!

Spotlight on the 60’s For the Month of October – Turn on the time Machine and dig out those epic 60’s phots of yourself!  Sarah wants to create a collage of residents from the 60’s to have on display in the Manor Lobby.  But —  What fun would this be without a game attached! Submit your favorite 60’s photo of your self to Sarah by October 3rd. Then you will have the chance to guess who is who, and the one with the most correct guesses WINS! Photos will be numbered and a ballot box with guessing sheets will be available with the collage.

 October 6th – save the date! The Penthouse Garden Party is back! From 3p- 5p come enjoy the beautiful flowers, plants and view from the manor roof top. Wine and snacks will be available.

October 20th will be the debut of the RVM Opportunity Fair! We are working closley with Asifa Kanji, the Residents Council Volunteer Opportunities Department Head to plan a campus-wide, real-time, in-person resident volunteer opportunity fair! Much more to come with this!

Oct. 25 Brew Fest! Changing things up a bit…. I am planning on a name that beer in the lobby and live band in the auditorium.  I don’t have all the detail chiseled into stone yet, but that’s the direction!

But wait, there’s more! – back by popular demand, the employee pumpkin contest and the resident scarecrow contest will make it back to the auditorium at the end of October. Residents council will judge the employee’s creative pumpkins and Administration will judge the residents scarecrows.