Posted in A&I

Concerts and Performances June – July 2024

submitted by Mary Jane Morrison

Manor Auditorium 7-8 p.m.  

Events listed in italics are tentative

Links connect to performer bios and/or programs

Programming subject to change.    Programs will NOT be broadcast on Channel 900.

Manor Express available until 8:30 p.m. Thursdays


Thursday               06/06          Tommy Graven:  Indian Flute

Thursday               06/13           Siskiyou Violins

Thursday               06/20          Kirby Shaw Singers

Thursday               06/27          NO PROGRAM — PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE

FRIDAY                 06/28          Chihuahua Desert Western

Thursday               07/04          Patriotic Sing-along with Rita Reitz   

Thursday               07/11           Tiana & Joseph Wong:  two pianos

Thursday               07/18           RVM Play Readers

Thursday               07/25           Karen Grove: Geology of the Rogue Valley






NIT WIT NEWZ: June 2024


(Nit Wit Newz is an unauthorized, unreliable, on-line news service designed to keep residents abreast of the inconsequential, unverified, and trifling events that dramatically shape and inform our everyday lives here at Rogue Valley Manor).




It’s now June and if you’ve not yet firmed up your summer vacation plans, fret not.

It’s not too late.

Avoid those far away, tedious auto drives; forget those lengthy, clothing-removing TSA lines that end in a cramped, knees-under-the chin airline seat; shun those sometimes sickness-ridden cruise ships.

Your vacation can be a mere Manor Express ride away.

This year for the first time, reservations are being taken for beach space at our very own shimmering lake right here on the east side of the Manor campus.

There you’ll find new, lovely lake-front camping sites that put you and your bare toes at our scenic lake’s shoreline.

Relax to the hypnotic sound of rushing water gently cascading over smooth rocks.  You’ll see a mother duck effortlessly gliding over calm waters shadowed by her paddling brood of all-in-a-row ducklings. Drop your fishing line off the bridge spanning the generously stocked koi and goldfish waters.

Lake-side living is good.

All you need bring is a small tent, sleeping bag, sun umbrella, folding chair, fishing pole, portable barbecue and your latest Speedo-fashioned swimwear.

Single plots measure a roomy 10’ x 12,’ ;  doubles an expansive 15’ x 15’.   The price?  Singles $9.95/night; doubles $14.95/night.

Cash strapped?  This just in!  You can use your food plan points for your rental site!  This exciting, new Rogue Valley Manor revenue stream is designed to be as wallet-friendly as possible to all Manor residents.

The natives are friendly.  Although they—the permanent residents in cottages surrounding the lake— have understandably, registered some concern about camp sites being pitched between their patios and the lake.  But they, being your fellow Manor neighbors, are nothing if not neighborly. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself invited to sip a convivial Margarita on one of those well-tended patios not too long after you first pitch your tent.

It must be remembered, however, that neighborliness is a two-way street.  To that end, you are asked to place your refuse in one of the five, large yellow dumpsters that have been conveniently placed around the lake’s perimeter.  Be sure to reduce the volume of your boombox radios after 10 pm. And try to contain the smoke from your beach fish fry so it doesn’t drift into the surrounding cottages.

The great outdoors beckons.  Free yourself from our dreary digital world.  Re-awaken your nature-embracing, primordial self.  The call of the wild awaits you.

But hurry, spaces are limited.

Secure your beach site today!


—A. Looney


by Eleanor Lippman


The east side of Chicago Avenue in Riverside, California, was developed with mix of middle class homes. The land was hilly and streets wound through the neighborhood in ways to maximize lot sizes, so streets dead-ended or curved to meet the contours of the land or were only a block long, and it was always hard to find some houses based on their address. That is where I lived, on Timberlane Drive, one of those abrupt one block long streets that curved around in a long uphill arc.

The other side of Chicago Avenue was flat and undeveloped, and no one was in charge of the wild things that grew there. Further on past those trees and bushes, and running parallel to the Avenue, was a gulley with a creek that only held water briefly after a heavy rain. And beyond that, past the dry creek, the land rose again forming an imposing hill, and beyond that, more housing developments with houses which looked down on Chicago Avenue from the very edge of the rise.

No one seemed to pay attention to that stretch of land that had been donated to the city by a wealthy and civic minded man many years earlier in order to develop into a much-needed neighborhood park. Years passed, the trees grew taller and the bushes and wild flowers and other plants multiplied; it was a lovely sight much appreciated by the people traveling along Chicago Avenue and the houses that looked down on the land and the houses that looked on it from across the street. The city fathers ignored that tract of land or forgot about it or didn’t care. Nobody ever thought about the birds nesting in those trees or the insects that lived there or any animals that made that area their home. For more than thirty years while living in the Canyon Crest area, every time I approached that Chicago intersection as I was leaving or returning to my home either by bicycle or by automobile, I saw the wildness of the land and never gave it a single thought.

One morning, I opened the Press Enterprise, our local newspaper, to read the headline: “Ultimatum!” Apparently, the family of the now long deceased benefactor decided enough was enough. If the city was not going to turn the land into a park within a set period of time, the family intended to reclaim it and develop it for themselves – and probably not into a neighborhood park.

I guess that woke up the powers to be and the city fathers scrambled to not let the land and the opportunity slip from their hands. In short order, they found the funds and created a long range plan for baseball fields, tennis courts, bathroom facilities, drinking fountains, and kiddy play areas. Their plan seemed to satisfy the family who donated the land and they encouraged the city to move forward.

The first change was to a narrow walking path that was built connecting Chicago Avenue through the trees and bushes and on up to the housing development above. It was actually a lovely walking shortcut between my house on one side of Chicago Avenue and the houses on the hill past the other side of Chicago Avenue. A person could walk from one place to the other in a few minutes. With this new path connecting the two neighborhoods it was an easy walk, whereas traveling to the houses on that side by car on city streets involved a long indirect drive. One day the path was gone.

Winter came, then a rainy season, and park and playground development ground to a halt.

I remember clearly when things began to change. I was riding my bicycle along Chicago Avenue on my way home and was approaching the area with its tall trees and dense foliage. In the sky, high above the trees, many birds were slowly circling. The number of them and the fact that they just circled around and around above the trees was very unusual. I had never seen behavior like that before. I had no idea what was happening. I watched the behavior of the birds for several days – always flying and soaring in circles above the trees that grew in that wild area.

And then the construction trucks appeared. The men were clearing the area of all vegetation, tearing out the trees, hauling away the shrubs and bushes. It didn’t take very long before the entire area was stripped of greenery; the wild things were gone. The area had been cleansed of anything that grew. Next, huge trucks circled the area in an attempt to flatten the earth and make sure everything was level. Along with the men and the trucks were water bearing trucks constantly spraying the area to hold down the dust and dirt. The wild things were gone and all that was left was a huge flat, brown, sterile landscape. Just dirt. The birds disappeared. Everything changed.

Slowly, a neighborhood park developed. Baseball fields appeared along with tennis courts and a children’s play area with structures to climb and explore, ample car parking, public rest rooms. It became hugely popular in light of the fact that for all of those homes in the developments on either side, there had been no commons areas, no parks, no libraries, no commercial activity – just acres of homes and a small elementary school at the top of the hill. Because the area was so hilly, children couldn’t play stick ball in the streets, and skate boarding and roller skating would prove dangerous. Residents were starved for a place to meet and play. The new recreation area met a hugely deserved need.

I wondered what had happened to the birds and insects and animals who had made their home there. Not a single tree remained in the entire complex, not a spot of shade during the baking hot summer months. Just ball fields and tennis courts and people.

But for all of those human residents in the neighborhood, they now had their park.


June in the library: Oceans!

Plus, two questions for mystery fans

by Anne Newins

Part I
Many residents love to go to the coast to enjoy the beauty, the weather, and a change of scenery.  But why do we enjoy reading about it?  According to author Natalie Hart, “The extreme vastness of the waterscape creates a simultaneous liberation and isolation so intense that man….must confront not only nature, but the depths of himself….the ocean is a perfect setting for increasing threat, stakes, and tension.”

Thus, few stories about the ocean are cozies.  Both nonfiction and fiction usually involve life-challenging situations, both at sea as well as far into the depths themselves.  Some examples include:

The Sea Wolf, by Jack London
Considered one of the greatest sea stories ever written, this is a “classic American tale of peril and adventure, good and evil.”   The book’s narrator is a gentleman who is swept overboard in San Francisco Bay and rescued by a seal hunting vessel commanded by a brutal captain.  The book influenced writers such as Hemingway, Orwell, and Kerouac.

Pirate Latitudes, by Michael Crichton
Michael Crichton was famous for his highly imaginative novels and this is no exception.  In 1665, a pirate captain decides to take on a Spanish galleon in the Caribbean.  The action is non-stop.

In the Heart of the Sea:  the Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex, by Nathaniel Philbrick
This is a true tale of adventure and survival.  The Essex, a whaler from Nantucket, was rammed and sunk by a sperm whale, leaving a small crew to try and reach South America, about 3,000 miles away.  The story inspired Herman Melville’s classic Moby Dick, also available at the RVM library.

The Deepest Map:  The High-stakes Race to Chart the World’s Oceans, by Laura Trethewey
This also is an attention grabbing non-fiction book. It is hard to believe that less than 25% of the ocean floor had been mapped by the early 2020s.  A group of scientists, investors, militaries, and private explorers are competing and cooperating to get the mapping done by 2030.  Their accomplishments will result in scientific discoveries, but also threaten the pelagic environment and political power structures.

Thanks to Janice Williams for compiling a compelling bibliography for your reading pleasure.

Part II

Questions for mystery fans:

1. Who left the totally empty bottle of Scotch (pictured below) in the library late one evening during mid-May ?  Why weren’t the volunteers invited?

2.  Who returned a weighty book titled Printing Types: Their History, Forms, and Use, Volume I, by Daniel Berkeley Updike, which had been missing since at least 2015?

If you have any clues, please pass them on to the library investigators.

Cross Stitch by Mary Jane Morrison

by Mary Jane Morrison, photos by Reina Lopez








The Art of the Insult – Part II

Selected by Bob Buddemeier

Herewith some more squeezings of bile from the compendiums of John Winokur, “The Portable Curmudgeon” and “The Portable Curmudgeon Redux.”

As we slide kicking and screaming toward our quadrennial Silly Season, may you enjoy these offerings with the child-like faith that they are all directed toward the other side of your personal aisle.


Politics and politicians

A triumph of the embalmer’s art.  Gore Vidal on Ronald Reagan

She is democratic enough to talk down to anyone.  Austin Mitchell on Margaret Thatcher.

George Bush is Gerald Ford without the pizazz.  Pat Paulsen


People, singular and plural

People demand freedom of speech as compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.   Kierkegaard

His words leap across rivers and mountains, but his thoughts are still only six inches long.  E. B. White

It’s not the frivolity of women that makes them so intolerable.  It’s their ghastly enthusiasm.  Horace Rumpole (John Mortimer)

A pessimist is a man who has been compelled to live with an optimist.   Elbert Hubbard

Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when called upon to act in accordance with the dictates of his reason.   Orson Welles


Places and their populations

New York: Where everyone mutinies but no one deserts.  Harry Hershfeld    

Los Angeles:  Nineteen suburbs in search of a metropolis.   H.L. Mencken

You can’t find any true closeness in Hollywood, because everybody does the fake closeness so well.  Carrie Fisher


National Characteristics and Cultures

The genius of you Americans is that you never make clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves which make us wonder at the possibility that there may be something to them which we are missing.  Gamal Abdel Nasser

Canada is a country so square that even the female impersonators are women.  Richard Benner

The Englishman has all the qualities of a poker except its occasional warmth.  Daniel O’Connell.


The arts and entertainment

Mr. Henry James writes fiction as if it were a painful duty.   Oscar Wilde

I do not think this poem will reach its destination.  Voltaire, on Rousseau’s “Ode to Posterity”

This film is the Platonic ideal of boredom, roughly equivalent to reading a three-volume novel in a language of which one knows only the alphabet.  John Simon on “Camelot”

Her virtue was that she said what she thought, her vice that what she thought didn’t amount to much.  Peter Ustinov on Hedda Hopper

Parsifal – the kind of opera that starts at six o’clock, and when it has been going on for three hours you look at your watch and it says 6:20.   David Randolph

The Guzzetta’s Collection of Artesania

This article, by David Guzzetta with photocollages by Reina Lopez, was not listed in last month’s announcement by mistake; since that may have caused some readers to miss it, we are running it for a second month.

Carolyn and I joined the Peace Corps in 1988.  The Peace Corps sent us to Ecuador. While there we traveled extensively throughout the country.  Just before returning home we made an extended trip to Bolivia, Peru and northern Chile.  Since our Peace Corps days we have returned several times to these Andean countries as well as Guatemala and southern Mexico.

We both fell in love with handmade artesania.  We purchased articles of women’s clothing that were woven on a back-strap loom, plus various knitted and woven accessories.  

Nit Wit Newz: April 2024


(Nit Wit Newz is an unauthorized, unreliable, on-line news service designed to keep residents abreast of the inconsequential, unverified, and trifling events that dramatically shape and inform our everyday lives here at Rogue Valley Manor).



Plaudits, Peeves Greet Trial Month 


Food program dubbed, Monthly Points Plan.  Each resident allotted fixed number of monthly points based on location of dwelling unit.  One point equals one buck. Points to be redeemed for food at any Manor restaurant.  Portion-control servings now closely monitored (Bad news: Meals of five pork chops and six scoops of Gelato now history). At month’s end, points spent over quota result in resident cash outlay (i.e., 10 points over allotment: cough up 10 buckeroos). If have unused points at month’s end? Sorry, excess points dumpster bound.

Following March test of new food plan, resident questions abound. Clamor for answers.

In effort to quell senior community disquiet, spokesperson with new food plan provider,  met with residents for “Q and A” session in Manor auditorium.

Nit Wit Newz was there.

Here’s what followed:

Thank you all for attending our meeting.  I’m Les Eaten with PRU—Points ‘R’ Us—the organization that implements point food plans at CCRCs throughout the nation. Well, you came to ask questions and I’m here to answer them. Let’s get started.  Yes, the tall gentleman in the second row.

Q: I’m six foot-two and weigh 215 pounds. My neighbor is five foot-three and says she weighs 118 pounds.  As cottage dwellers, despite the disparity in our sizes (and appetites) we both have 500 points to spend each month.  This March, I was way over my allocation.  She expended just under 430 points.  How can our point system remedy this “one size fits all” disparity when we live in a multi-sized people world?

A: When confronted with a similar problems at our other PRU facilities, we have found that the most practical solution is marriage.  You might want to discuss this option with your neighbor as our program has no restrictions on the interchange of points among family members.  Should your neighbor seem hesitant about such an arrangement, you might remind her that sound household economics make a firm foundation for a successful marriage union.

Q: Mr. Eaten, I don’t really have a question, but I just wanted to say that I love this new food allocation plan! I was about to get an Ozempic prescription for my weight problem and it was going to cost me $892 per month.  Now, with these new lean point quotas, if I keep within my 500-point allocation, I’m sure to lose those stubborn fourteen pounds of mine in no time.  Bless our new point plan—it’s a weight loser and a dollar saver!

A: I’m pleased that you’re pleased with our new system.  No question, widespread resident weight loss throughout the campus will definitely be a valuable health benefit of our point quota system.  It’s strange that over time, the word “deprivation” has somehow been given a bad name.   Next question, the gray-haired lady toward the back.

(Four women rise and begin asking their questions at the same time)

No, no, I’m sorry.  I meant that gray- haired lady—the one in the green sweater. Please, your question.

Q: Am I the only one who finds the joy of sitting down to a pleasant dining experience substantially dimmed by first having to fumble through the process of adding up a bunch of points.  It’s like paying for your meal before it’s served—it’s gauche and graceless.  Goodness, I never thought I would embrace pointless dining. Was this food plan in the contract I signed?

A: The PRU food point system strives not only to provide healthy, affordable meals to the residents of our clients, but we are also keenly interested in maintaining their mental acuity as well.  That is the beauty of our plan.  The daily addition and subtraction required to maintain your quota at each meal is an excellent discipline to keep the senior mind active.  In our testing, we have found marked improvement in the arithmetic skills of point-keeping residents to go along with their substantially decreased waist sizes.  That “gracious dining” experience that you pine for would seem to be of a secondary concern to a resident’s sound physical and mental health. Next question. Yes, the gentleman on the aisle.

Q: I’m a bit on the hefty size, as you can see, and, like your earlier questioner, I also find my allotment of points inadequate.  The marriage remedy makes sense to me, however being a bit shy, I’ve always been uneasy approaching women.  Do you have any suggestions?

A: Thank you for that question. I was remiss in responding to that previous questioner, not to have mentioned that at each of our facilities we have added a staff “Match Maker” to help ease our residents into these beneficial arrangements.  You will be pleased and perhaps surprised to know that aside from making the new point system more workable, some of our “match-made” residents have discovered that other benefits accrue to them in their new wedded relationships.  The next question goes to the gentleman in the fifth row.

Q: The suggestion to “get married” would not help with the skimpy number of points Marsha and I have been allocated—we are married.  And yes, we exercise vigorously and try to watch what we eat, I’m afraid we remain on the stout side and naggingly hungry.  That said, we were shocked to learn that we both did serious quota-busting damage even before the third week of the March test was over.   Can you offer us any help?

A:. Yes, of course. I think you’ll both find valuable assistance in my new book, “The Hidden Pleasures of Extreme Fasting.”  Your cravings and weight will quickly be reduced to fit nicely into your point quotas and your clothes. You’ll be pleased to learn that I’ll be having a book signing in the Manor lobby immediately following our program. Now, oh yes, the lady on the aisle towards the rear.

Q: I was pleased to hear your response to the earlier question about the side benefit of our new food-point plan being helpful to our mental health.  I must confess as a Manor dweller, that at the start I was totally flummoxed by having to add up all of those point options in my head three meals a day.  Maybe I shouldn’t admit this, but I had to call my eight-year old grandson for help in figuring what I could afford to order.  But you know, with his help, by the third week my addition skills seemed to slowly return. Now, I no longer need to keep calling my Robbie.  No question, you were sure right about the new system helping our mental agility.  I am facing a downside however, I think my little darling misses hearing from his “Nana” three times every day.

A: Yes, I’ll bet he does, too. Well, It’s five minutes to noon. Time for just one more question.  Yes, the lady to my right.

Q: Along with many of my friends living in the Plaza, we enjoy eating often at Arden. It’s so convenient.  But the new plan has indeed put a squeeze on the number of times we can dine there, so now we skip the Plaza’s “grab and go” lunch—saving our points for Arden—and instead, a bunch of us pack a sandwich and head for that nifty, new, beverage machine in the Manor lobby—it’s point free! Espressos, lattes, cappuccinos—they’re all great (By the way, it would be nice if it dispensed Postum, too).  Yes, it’s our “Ladies Lunch at the Lobby” get-together everyday. As careful as we try to be, I’m sorry to say, now and then we do have a spill or two, but, lucky us, that Manor carpet seems to accommodate those accidents quite nicely.  A big thanks to the Manor for that new coffee dispenser—it’s a  real point- saver!

A: Good for you and your friends. It’s important that everyone seek new and imaginative ways to stretch those valuable food points to make our new plan work. Well, it looks as if we’ve about run out of time.  I hope I’ve been able to answer all of your questions today.  Remember, I’ll be in the lobby signing my new fasting-can-be-fun book, and don’t forget to pick up your complementary “Points ‘R’ Us” t-shirt.  No need to search for the right fit, the new Flex-On fabric makes it just like our new food plan—one size fits all.

—A. Looney


April in the Library

by Anne Newins

It always seemed strange to me that St. Valentine’s Day is in February.  Wouldn’t it be more appropriate for it to be celebrated in April, when trees and flowers are blooming, birds are nesting, and the world seems anew?  However, a little research changed my mind. The history of St. Valentine’s Day includes lurid violence and hard core marketing, with only some occasional true love. Perhaps it is best left during dreary February. For a lively account of the day, you might read the attached document, starting with its earliest “celebrations” up to current times.

Happily, bibliographer Debbie Adler has taken a much more positive perspective about love.  Her eclectic collection of books includes many different types of love, including:

The Bookbinder, by Pip Williams
It is only natural that library volunteers would understand how someone would love bookbinding.  This World War I novel also examines the experiences of Belgium war refugees and the relationships that develop.

Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen
Moving forward in time, this tale is set during the Great Depression.  A veterinary student finds himself caring for the animals in a second-rate circus and finds love along the way.

The Venice Sketchbook, by Rhys Bowen
It’s now WWII, and Caroline Grant has inherited a sketchbook and three keys from a beloved aunt.  Taking her ashes, Caroline goes to Venice, unlocking secrets and seeking a lost love.

This Time Tomorrow, by Emma Straub
In this time travel book, the lead character, forty year old Alice, wakes up one morning in her sixteen year body.  Now in 1996, the heroine has an opportunity to change her relationship with her father.

The library volunteers wish you good reading during one of the loveliest times of the year in the Rogue Valley.

Pictured below:  Manor author and reader Jill Engledow surveys this month’s offerings.

























The Tea Ladies

by Eleanor Lippman

One year, in our ‘down the shore’ summer vacation in Atlantic City, New Jersey, we briefly stayed in an old, but elegant hotel located right on the boardwalk itself. Our group consisted of my grandmother, “Mom” as we called her, and my family which included my mother, my older and younger brothers, my baby sister and I. My father drove us there and returned at the end of the week to drive us home. He was not a beach fan.

Most of the people staying at that hotel were elderly couples and there were lots of widows. We were the only children there at that time. I know we terrorized the place — running up and down the dark hallways and finding staircases that ended on balconies and mezzanines, leaving little kids searching for the location of the staircase that would take them to a lower floor.

Meals were bland, but filling, served by waiters in jackets and ties. My siblings and I were made to behave at the table, sit up straight (loudly whispered to us many times by my mother), and not talk with food in our mouths. They were trying to turn us from wild animals into humans.

Reminding us constantly that this was a proper hotel, we were made to follow the rules. I remember coming back from the beach and standing under the cold outdoor shower in the rear of the building to remove every grain of sand that stuck to my body before entering the hotel. Getting the sand out of my hair was hard enough, but getting sand out of the crotch of my bathing suit where it collected in several layers of fabric was always hard to do and never completely successful.

One afternoon after returning from the beach and being cleaned up and dressed for dinner and the usual evening boardwalk stroll, it was much too early for dinner so I decided to explore the hotel. I ended up at the foot of one of the staircases that ended on a balcony overlooking the lobby and when I turned to find a staircase that would take me down one floor, I discovered the tea ladies.

Seated around a large round table were a group of white haired old ladies enjoying afternoon tea. Conspicuous among them was my grandmother who did not have a single grey hair in her head. She was the brunette, the only one without white or blue or silver locks. She spotted me, a skinny awkward 8 year old, peering at the group from behind the staircase railing and motioned for me to come and join them.

I shyly approached the table feeling like Alice in Wonderland. The ladies shuffled their chairs around, found an empty chair and invited me to sit down with them. I guess they were bored with old lady talk and were anxious to have fresh conversation. They were really happy to see me and poured into a delicate cup some steaming hot tea. The tea cakes were already gone, reduced to a few crumbs on their plates.

I took a deep breath and resolved to behave like a lady so as to not embarrass my grandmother who was all smiles and so happy to have me join them.

I stared at my tea not sure of what to do. At home, we didn’t drink afternoon tea and other than hot chocolate, the only hot beverage I was ever offered was a hot cup of Postum, a fake coffee made from roasted grains, on Sunday mornings when we had bagels and lox and cream cheese and Greek Salad (made by my father) and smoked fish and my father and mother leisurely drank cup after cup of coffee and smoked cigarettes. I drank my cup of Postum fortified with evaporated milk and sugar and even though it was almost like drinking cocoa, I felt like I was drinking coffee.

“Do you take sugar?” someone asked.

Thinking of my Postum, I added a teaspoon of sugar to my cup.

One sweet little old lady leaned into me and offered me a plate of lemon slices.

“Lemon?” she said.

Of course I couldn’t say no, so I dropped a lemon slice into my cup.

The lady on the other side of me, oblivious to my putting lemon into my tea, handed me a small creamer and said, “Milk?”

I was beginning to love this. All of the chatter back and forth, and the tea ladies being so welcoming. Here I was, having afternoon tea like a grownup. And my grandmother across the table so happy to see me. This was much more enjoyable than staying with my younger brother and sister and being involved in their little kid antics.

“Yes, thank you,” I said as I took the creamer and poured a generous amount into my cup.

A funny thing happened to my tea. The milk curdled and formed clumps and my tea turned into something no one would want to drink.

I was baffled and didn’t know what to do when the white haired ladies on either side of me realized what had happened.

“Child,” one of them gently and kindly said to me, “you only take milk or lemon, not both.”

The tea ladies were very nice to me and in the end, we all had a chuckle. After all, it was my very first afternoon tea and what did they expect?

More than a half of a century later, on a cold rainy afternoon, as I sat in the drawing room of Bank Barn, a British inn in the Lake District of England, I poured myself a cup of steaming tea and sat back in the warmth by the fire and remembered the tea ladies of Atlantic City.