Posted in A&I

NIT WIT NEWZ — December 2024


 (Nit Wit Newz is an unauthorized, unreliable, on-line news service designed to keep residents abreast of the inconsequential, unverified, and trifling events that dramatically shape and inform our everyday lives here at Rogue Valley Manor.)


(The Fable Continues)

To our readers: You will recall that in our last episode, Jack and Peter had met in Peter’s well-tended quarters conveniently located just below Mr. McGregor’s carrot patch in the Manor’s Residents’ Garden.  They had devised a plan to call residents’ attention to the unseemly blue and white banners that had been raised on a number of light poles on the Rogue Valley Manor campus.  Now, several weeks later, Jack is revisiting Peter. Let’s listen in:

(Peter Rabbit): Hey, Jack, returning to sample some of McGregor’s finest? Here, indulge the universal rabbit habit.

(Jack Rabbit): Not a bad idea, Peter, I guess I’m sorta like that Oscar Wilde guy, I can resist anything but temptation. Thanks, hmm, yep, this is good. But listen, old pal, I dropped in to bring you news.

(P.R.):  Oh, yeah, lay it on me

(J.R.): Well, all those blue and white banners on the light poles that say “Rogue Valley Manor,” they’re down.

(P.R.) I knew it! That powerful, hard hitting piece that we ran in The Complement’s Nit Wit Newz feature a few weeks back convinced the residents that those goofy banners were an eyesore. I can’t wait to tell Bunny. Remember? She got that piece placed in The Complement. 

(J.R.): Hold on Peter, I’m afraid you’ll have to curb your enthusiasm.

(P.R.): What are you talking about?  Down banners are exactly what we wanted, right?

(J.R.): Well, here’s what happened. That wind storm we had in mid-November wreaked havoc with those signs. It blew some banners right out of their frames, others were blown cockamamie crooked. It was a mess.  Among their many other shortcomings, those flimsy banners didn’t hold up to even the very first storm of the season.  So they took them all down.

(P.R.): Why do we care how they got taken down?  I say, mission accomplished. Job done.

(J.R.):  Here’s the problem, the metal frames that hold the banners are still up. They’d only leave the frames up if they planned on using them again—like next spring when the weather calms down.

(P.R.): Hmm, I see where you’re going.  Looks like we’ve still got work to do.

(J.R.): Yep, but what still puzzles me is why they put those things up in the first place. Certainly not for beauty. Fact is, they detract from the natural beauty of that magnificent scene of our campus as you drive into this place.  They couldn’t have put those banners up for utility purposes. Visitors and residents don’t need to be reminded where they are every thirty seconds as they travel through our campus. Whatever the reason, they’re an unnecessary blight that sullies our campus.

(P.R.) Hmm, seems as if your hare shirt might be a bit too snug today, Jack

(J.R.): Yeah, you’re right.  I’m miffed. Like you, when I saw the banners gone, I got pretty excited. But now, we’re plunked right back down to ground zero.

(P.R.) I suppose so, but how do you know that our piece in Nit Wit Newz didn’t generate some resident opinion to see things our way?

(J.R.): Well, I saw the minutes of the Landscape and Grounds Advisory Committee meeting, which was a few weeks before the wind storm, and apparently the question was raised about the reaction they’re getting on the banners.  The response was, it was, “mixed.”

(P.R.): Hmm, “mixed,” that’s the sound of the roaring wheels of inertia grinding to a halt.  The next sentence, unstated, of course, would be written, “No action need be taken.”

(J.R.): Well, I must say, there were comments from two different residents at the bottom of our Nit Wit Newz piece under “Leave a Reply.” Both were supportive of our anti-banner position. And you can add to that, a The Complement staffer reported that she received an unsolicited  supportive comment from another reader.  Sadly, darn few movements are mounted on the backs of a mere three protesters.

(P.R.) Make that six, add in the two of us and my sweetie, Bunny.

(J.R.): I’m not sure the rabbit vote will help sway the committee, Peter. In any event, three, six—it still amounts to less than a limp ripple in a sea of apathy. We need a tidal wave to get the attention of that Landscape Committee. Heck, maybe we’re just a couple of wild hares hollering down—I dunno— a rabbit hole..

(P.R.): Gosh, only three responses, hey, maybe the residents have eyes but seeith not?.

(J.R.): No, they see fine, wait…seeith not? Where did you come up with that, scripture? Shakespeare?

(P.R.): Milton.

(J.R.): Milton? You’ve been reading Paradise Lost?

(P.R.): No, no, I got it from my neighbor, Milton, Milton Thumper, he lives two holes down.  Milton talks funny.  I think it’s olde English

(J.R.): I see.

(P.R.): But consider this, Jack, I read somewhere that for every person that writes in a comment on matters like this, there are ten or so that may also agree with the proposition, but don’t bother to take the time to make themselves heard.

(J.R.): Yeah, maybe so, but we need concrete evidence to convince that Landscape Committee.

(P.R.): You’re probably right.  So, I’ve got an idea: Look, those three comments we received supporting our position were unsolicited, right?  But those residents voluntarily made their voices heard without anyone asking them to do so. What if we asked the readers of this very Nit Wit Newz article that they are reading at this moment, to let us know, one way or the other, if the banners should stay or go.  All they need do is write either, “Banners Down” or “Banners Up” in the “Leave a reply” section just below. It’s that simple.

(J.R.):  That, my friend, is an excellent idea. Wow! I knew I could count on you, Peter.

(P.R.): Glad you liked it, J.R.  I propose a toast to our renewed effort to resurrect a worthy enterprise.

(J.R.): Indeed! What are we drinking?

(P.R.): (The sound of a popping cork) A liqueur of distinction,  Creme de Carotte, Bottoms up, cottontail.

(J.R.): Carotte?

(P.R.): That’s carrot in French.

(J.R.): Of course.


To our readers: Jack and Peter invite your thought on the banner issue. “Banners Down” or “Banners Up,” let them know below. They thank you.

—A. Looney




Concerts and Performances: December 2024 – January 2025

submitted by Mary Jane Morrison

Manor Auditorium 7-8 p.m.  

Events listed in italics are tentative

Programming subject to change.    Programs will NOT be broadcast on Channel 900.

Manor Express available until 8:30 p.m. Thursdays


TUESDAY         12/10    So. Oregon Symphonic Band 

THURSDAY     12/12    Joyful Voices

MONDAY         12/16    3 p.m.  Manor Handbell Choir

TUESDAY        12/17    Kirby Shaw Singers

THURSDAY    12/19    Rogue Valley Brass Quintet

TUESDAY        12/24       Vespers: Lessons & Carols

THURSDAY    12/26   Jaron Cannon: piano  [Hanukkah begins]

TUESDAY        12/31   NEW YEAR’S EVE — no program

———————————- 2025 ———————————————–

Thursday         01/02   Skip Bessonette: guitar/vocal

Thursday         01/09              TBA

Thursday         01/16              TBA

Thursday         01/23   talk: So. OR Land Conservancy             

Thursday         01/30             TBA             

Thursday         02/06   Iryna Kudielina: piano                





Around the Manor


Many of the artists and craftsmen you met at the Fair are donating their proceeds to the Foundation, the Memory Center, Fairy Godmother program and the like. Also our silent auction brought in $1135, the food table $273 and the raffle $325 for the Foundation. Thank you for making our Fair a success — Jill West



                                                            Christmas Decoration

                                                                                           by A. N. Onymous

 Curb Your Doggerel!

Our Great Big Tree,

So Lovely to See,

Will burst into light,

After Turkeys take flight



The Death of the Sushi Run


by Eleanor Lippman

Before Covid, back when meals in the Plaza and Manor dining rooms were buffet style, there was a group of a dozen or so residents who met regularly on Saturday evening in the Umpqua Room of the Plaza for cocktails and conversation before dinner.

Every once and a while, the group would arrange a Sushi Run where everyone who liked sushi would drop ten or fifteen dollars into a cash pool and two people would volunteer to pre-order a variety of types from the local Japanese restaurant, supply the serving platters, and bring the goodies to the dining room. The other participants would wait around the big table for eight by the window as well as the neighboring table for four If needed.

The sushi order would arrive complete with rice, side dishes, chopsticks, etc. and the participants would feast on the goodies. Anyone wanting a salad or dessert could get one from the buffet. Dishes, utensils, water and hot tea were provided by the Plaza dining room servers.

The Sushi Runs were a popular change from the regular buffet offerings and were always a wonderful event. Good company, interesting conversation, a highlight among friends.

Sad to say, we cannot do it anymore with the way Arden is designed. And there is nowhere on campus where it would work.

Too bad. It was a big hit and very popular.

Farewell, Sushi Run. You were wonderful while it lasted.


submitted by Connie Kent

When you rearrange the letters: MOON STARER

When you rearrange the letters: IS NO AMITY

When you rearrange the letters: A ROPE ENDS IT

When you rearrange the letters: DIRTY ROOM

When you rearrange the letters: THEY SEE

When you rearrange the letters: HE BUGS GORE

When you rearrange the letters: HERE COME DOTS

When you rearrange the letters: BEST IN PRAYER

When you rearrange the letters:  CASH LOST IN ME

When you rearrange the letters: LIES – LET’S RECOUNT

When you rearrange the letters: ALAS! NO MORE Z ‘S

When you rearrange the letters: I’M A DOT IN PLACE

When you rearrange the letters: THAT QUEER SHAKE

When you rearrange the letters: TWELVE PLUS ONE


The Library in November: How’s the Weather?

by Debbie Adler

In literature, weather can be used in many different ways. It can symbolize themes, set the mood of the story, and even play a central role in the plot. When weather is included in a scene it adds depth and realism, pulling the reader further into the story. Sunny weather typically creates a cheerful mood, symbolizing happiness and new beginnings. Alternatively, rainy weather might contribute to a somber mood, indicating sadness and despair. Furthermore, stormy weather adds tension and a sense of foreboding, often representing conflict and chaos.

Selected books for this month’s display touch on environmental disasters, human struggle, mystery, romance, and spirituality. Samples include:

The Worst Hard Time, by Timothy Eagan
The untold story of those who survived the Great American Dust Bowl, one of the greatest environmental disasters ever to be visited upon our land and a powerful cautionary tale about the dangers of trifling with nature.

The Year Without Summer : 1816 and the Volcano that Darkened the World and Changed History, by William K. Klingaman and Nicholas P. Klingaman
The book examines not only the climate change engendered by this volcanic event, but also its effects on politics, the economy, the arts, and social structures.

Nights in Rodanthe, by Nicholas Sparks
A tender story of hope and joy; of sacrifice and forgiveness. With a North Carolina coastal storm closing in, two wounded people will turn to each other for comfort — and in one weekend set in motion feelings that will resonate throughout the rest of their lives.

Camino Winds, by John Grisham
Welcome to the fictional Florida resort town of Camino Island, where anything can happen – even a murder in the midst of a hurricane, which might prove to be the perfect crime.

The Phone Booth at the Edge of the World, by Laura Imai Messina
About grief, mourning, and the joy of survival, inspired by a real phone booth in Japan with its disconnected “wind” phone, a place of pilgrimage and solace since the 2011 tsunami.

A weather tip for our readers: Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine!

Pictured with her red umbrella is one of the library’s devoted patrons.


Little Things That Changed My Life

By Diane Slagle, photos by Reina Lopez

It was Christmas, 1949.  My sister and I had just lost our Mom, and we were sad and isolated on a farm far out of town.

By a chance, we were invited to a lovely ladies’ house for Christmas Eve. This family lived in a beautiful Victorian farmhouse in the middle of an orange grove. We arrived and walked into the kitchen. It was warm and smelled of roasting turkey,

On a table sat a fabulous DOLLHOUSE. It was all decorated for the holidays. I couldn’t believe my eyes.  Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined anything so wonderful.  Frozen in time, this house was full of joy and doll people having a very special Christmas. What a treasure to behold! At that moment something beautiful and happy came into my life when I needed it most. Little did I know how it would change my life.

Dinner was ready and we were invited into the dining room. Lo and behold, there was a table fit for a king. Beautiful china and a Santa and sleigh in the middle of the table. I am sure the food was fabulous, but I don’t remember it — just the smell of wonderful food and fir boughs in beautiful arrangements.

After dinner we were escorted into the living room that was filled with beautiful antiques. But, the tree took center stage as the most wonderful thing imaginable. What a gift I got that Christmas.

At nine years old, I knew that I had a dream — my first dollhouse. I managed to find an old bookcase and converted it. I made furniture and added doll people, It was not the greatest, but it was a start. I saw it as a perfect home full of love and joy. I could make it any way, just what I wanted.

From there the years rolled by.  I upgraded, one by one, until today I have collected something like eight antique dollhouses.  Most are from Germany, from about the 1800s.

The dollhouses still bring me so much pleasure, and I know they have influenced others along the way. I share them as much as I can.

When we visited here at the Manor looking for a place to retire, as soon as I saw the dollhouse near the Bistro, I knew we had found a home. It was like a full circle. That dollhouse let me know I was where I should be.

What a wonderful gift those dear ladies gave me. I still think of them and am so grateful, and thank them for their kindness.

I hope I can pass it on.




NIT WIT NEWZ — October 2024

(Nit Wit Newz is an unauthorized, unreliable, on-line news service designed to keep residents abreast of the inconsequential, unverified, and trifling events that dramatically shape and inform our everyday lives here at Rogue Valley Manor).



(A Fable for our Times)


(Peter Rabbit): Who’s that coming down the chute? Oh, it’s you, Jack

(Jack Rabbit): Hey, Peter, I thought I’d find you here.

(P. R.): Yep, still holed up in Mr. McGregor’s vegetable patch. Best carrots in the Resident’s Garden. Want a stick?

(J.R.): Thanks. Seems to me, you’ve been poaching here in the old man’s plot as long as I can remember.

(P.R.): Yeah, suppose I have.  Can’t get enough of them carrots. So, what’s happening?

(J.R.): Well, I was on my way home passing through the north entrance to the Manor and I see this row of banners—must be twelve or so—hanging from the street-light poles down the middle of the road in front of the golf course.

(P.R.): You mean those little blue and white banners saying “Rogue Valley Manor” with that quail logo on ‘em?

(J.R.): Exactly. They, my friend, spell trouble.

(P.R.): How so?

(J.R.): So this:  Up ‘til now, when you’re coming through that north gate entry you have this gorgeous  panoramic view of the golf course, a vast sweep of our campus’s green lawns bounded by stately trees, a fountain, and sometimes, a flock of grazing geese. All of this, unsullied by anything that hints of commercialism.  It’s a scene that brings me up short no matter how many times I’ve viewed it. It’s a great first impression of Rogue Valley Manor!

(P.R.): Yeah, I know what you’re talking about. It’s quite a sight, alright.

(J.R.): And it’s what makes this place so pristinely beautiful.  This place is commercially, clutter-free.  No longer.  Those blue and white banners work against that natural beauty. It’s just so much unnecessary commercial signage.  Do we need to remind visitors, or ourselves for that matter, that we’re at “Rogue Valley Manor” every 15 yards as you travel through the campus?  Those words “Rogue Valley Manor” are, after all, boldly marked at the entrance. Everyone knows where they are, for gosh sakes.

(P.R.): You are so right. But what bothers me about those banners is that quail logo.  Should have been a rabbit!

(J. R.):  A rabbit?  Peter, what are you talking about?   Years ago, the residents had a vote for an animal to be the Manor logo.  Quail was the clear winner.  If you recall, next came deer, then turkeys, squirrels, and we tied for fifth, for gosh sakes, with voles.

(P.R.): Hmm, I sorta remember something about that.  Vote could’ve been rigged, you know. But to your point, this morning I noticed those same banners were also along Mira Mar, you know that street going up to the main Manor area.  Yep, blue and white signs strung through our quiet, sedate residential neighborhood.  Makes it looks like you’re driving through a new sub-division housing site on a Sunday afternoon.

(J.R.) Yeah, I saw ‘em. Looks a little tacky all right.

(P.R.): Hey Jack, I share your concern, but I never realized your sensibilities were so delicate. You’re pretty upset about this banner stuff, aren’t you?

(J.R.): Well, I guess I am, but to be honest, there’s something else bothering me about those dang things—it’s what they could do to us.

(P.R.): Us? How so?

(J.R.): Look, you, me and our pals, Br’er, Roger, Hopalong and Thumper, have this 600-acre playground pretty much to ourselves that is, as far as rabbits are concerned. And, of course, that includes your honey, Bunny, her girl friends Flopsy, Mopsy, and what?—a half dozen or so other sweeties. You could call this a dream spot for us.

(P.R.): Yeah, life is good! But what’s that got to do with those banners we’ve been talking about?

(J.R.): Just this: Once these promotion guys start promoting they don’t stop. Those banners soon beget flags, flags beget balloons, balloons beget billboards and…

(P.R.): Yeah, we rabbits know how that begettin’ thing works.

(J.R.): I should say. But with a lot of promotional hoopla going on up here, sooner or later some wandering hare down the hill will get wind of our cozy safe haven and before you know it, we’ll have every jack rabbit in Medford over-running this place. Our place.

(P.R.): Hmm, I see where you’re going. But what can we do about it?

(J.R.): Plenty. I didn’t come here to just share one of McGregor’s carrot sticks with you.  Listen Peter, does your honey, Bunny, still hang out in that warren next to the Nit Wit Newz Tower?

(P.R.): Sure does.

(J.R.): And she’s pretty tight with those Nit Wit Newz staffers, right?

(P.R.): Yeah, she loves them and they love her.

(J. R.): And she’s gaga over you, correct?

(P.R.):  Go on.

(J..R.): If Bunny could get those Nit Wit Newz staffers to run an article on those unsightly banners and how they’re defacing the beauty of our community, it’ll go a long way to convincing the residents that they are not adding to the beauty of Rogue Valley Manor.

Peter, can you get Bunny to help us out?

(P.R.): Not a problem. Rest easy, old friend. I’m on it.

(J.R.): Bravo, Peter! I knew I could count on you, old buddy. Well, I guess my work here is done.

(P.R.): So it is, so it is. Grab another carrot stick, Jack, and hop along home.  I’ve got a job to do.


And so, dear readers, it came to pass.  Jack’s wish was fulfilled. It found its way into print.

—A. Looney

Arts and Crafts Fair: NEW LOCATION

The 2024 RVM Arts and Crafts Fair is coming!

When:  November 6, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Where:  BIG CHANGE  this year!  We will be moving to the beautiful Rogue room in the Plaza.  Manor express will shuttle residents to and  from the Manor.

What:  Woodworking, jewelry, fabric arts, pyrography gourds, books, clothing, ornaments, candy, photography and more!!! Also a yummy Foundation food table!

Join us to see what residents have created!  Shop, eat, enjoy!

Questions?  Contact Jill West, 6449