DIRECTV- What is it and why do we want it?


by Joni Johnson

As a person who spends many hours watching TV, I was very interested to see what DIRECTV – Streaming would bring us and how it would compare to our current supplier Spectrum.  I actually went and saw it in action with someone already using it on campus.  I was highly impressed.  It is different from the DIRECTV that uses a satellite dish.  Because it is a streaming service, it offers more flexibility than the satellite dish.  And it provides everything we got from Spectrum plus so much more.  Also, unlike Spectrum, it requires no additional equipment other than the cute little Gemini Air Dongle which is about the size of a very small smart phone and is attached by HDMI directly to your TV.

The dongle, which replaces a traditional cable box, supports wifi and internet.  It offers a user-friendly interface with a programmable remote, voice control and access to Netflix and Prime Video and all the rest of the apps that you choose.  The system includes 20 hours of cloud-based recording with an option for unlimited recording for $10 extra per month.

The remotes side by side


If you are someone who only watches TV and never records, I think DIRECTV will provide an easier way to access your shows.  Here’s a picture of the remote next to the old Spectrum remote.  As you can see there is only one one and off Button rather than the Spectrum remote that had two power buttons, one for the cable and one for the TV.  The guide is the same.  And now you can actually record a show by using the red dot, which will make recording a real option for those who have never done so before.  When I set up my TV, I had to pay a monthly fee for my recording box.  That fee does not exist in the new system. You get 20 hours of free recording storage.  If you do record, the list is really useful because it is one button to reach the list of already recorded shows and future shows waiting to be recorded rather than toggling through the menu. And when you remove what you have recorded, it gives you space for future recordings

And a truly wonderful addition on the remote is the microphone that enables you to move immediately from one show to another by just mentioning the channel or the app. Here is a a mini video showing how easy it is to use the microphone.  And you can access channels also by just putting in the numbers on the remote.

Using voice control


For those of you that don’t stream and don’t want to- DIRECTV provides the same channel experience as Spectrum with recording for everyone, so do not worry.  But it does provide an option of streaming some other internet apps when you decide you want to explore it. More information on streaming will be available in May/June after you have played with your tv for a while.

For those of you who stream now, the dongle offers lots of options.  I currently use ROKU to stream and I really like it.  But the negative to using ROKU is that you have to go from the streaming platform to the TV, which requires jumping from Cable to another HDMI port.  I could still do that with DIRECTV.  But I don’t think I will need to do that because all of my streaming Apps (Netflix, Prime, Apple TV, Hulu, Acorn, Peacock, Paramount, PBS plus many more) are visible and programable right on the TV.  So most probably, I can get everything I have streaming with ROKU and also move to watch something being broadcast on TV with one little button choice.

Many of the apps I use cost money, but there are many more free apps available to show you movies and other TV programs.  The benefit of using an app instead of watching something on TV is that they are all available on demand.  For example,  I don’t have to wait for a show to appear on PBS.  I can actually access it on the app whenever I want.  All You need is a Passport account which is free with any charitable contribution to PBS. So if you support PBS, then all you need is that app. Another benefit is that we will be able to access anything we are watching on TV on our phone or tablet as well.  So let’s say that you start watching a TV program on your TV but have to pause because you are going to a doctor’s appointment.  And then you find yourself in the waiting room for some time before you get called.  You can actually access the same program you were watching at home on your smart phone and it will start at exactly where you paused it.


Channel 900 will still be available, but now it will be a channel 900 app with a name like Rogue Valley Manor.  The benefit of it being an app rather than a channel is that you will be able to choose the information you want from a menu rather than having to wait till it scrolls through all of its slides.

Here’s a video that gives you a little idea of everything you get.  It does tell you how to connect your TV to the direct tv dongle.  But don’t worry.  All that will be done for you when they install it.


As previously mentioned, DIRECTV will be put onto your TV by support personnel.  So all you need to do is learn how to use it once it is on.

Our fearless leaders are putting together lots of ways to learn how to use the remote. First of all, there will be a list of questions and answers (FAQs) on  It is being developed and should be available in mid-March.  The Direct TV roll out will begin in April. In addition, they are gathering together several videos on how to use the program.  From people’s experience, DIRECTV personnel are extremely helpful if you call them for support.  And I am sure that there will be help from both residents and support personnel when we first start using it.

For some, the transition will be very easy.  For others, it might take a little bit to learn what is different.  But I truly believe that once you have mastered the remote you will be thrilled with DIRECTV.  I can hardly wait until it is installed.


4 replies
  1. Doyne Mraz
    Doyne Mraz says:

    So Miss Joni, I watched the man with terrible diction on the site you’re recommended to learn about DirectTV. I’m more confused now than ever. First, we need a person who speaks clearly. Second, we need that person to explain the vocabulary he is using. Third, we need him to show us dummies just how things work, and he needs to do that slowly. Truly, I am lost. Felicitations, Doyne

  2. Cheerie Howse
    Cheerie Howse says:

    Thank you, Joni. I put the youtube on with closed captions and was able to understand what the speaker was saying. I’m a TV idiot so my biggest issue will just be learning how to use the remote and hopefully get what I want to watch. I’m confident that between all the help setting up and the FAQ’s I will master it eventually. Your explanation was very helpful. Cheerie


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