What’s New in September

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Ranked-Choice Voting: a VIEWPOINTS feature by Robert Mumby

The Pariah, by Joni Johnson

Whistling Past the Graveyard, by Bob Buddemeier



Things I Miss: Part I, by Eleanor Lippman

Contronyms, by Connie Kent

The Library in August and September, by Anne Newins

Mt Ashland Wildflowers and Insects, by Reina Lopez and Robert Mumby


Events & Opportunities

Concerts and Performances September-October  2024, submitted by Mary Jane Morrison

Coming Attraction: The Art & Craft Fair, submitted by Jill West

in Big, Borrowed, or Both

3550:  the Portland Mirabella quarterly magazine (most recent issue) Click Here

Mirabella Monthly, Newsletter of the Seattle Mirabella (September issue) Click Here



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