When Trees Are Too Close to Your Home

RVM has to manage the landscape for safety as well as for aesthetics. Two trees were removed on Skyline Drive in April. They were damaging a cottage foundation and roof, especially during the strong winds. Winter wind storms had already downed some large trees and a big fir was removed a few months ago on Rogue Valley Manor Drive. RVM is taking a closer look at trees that may damage a cottage because they are too close or have been weakened by disease, fungi or invertebrates. A small pine tree (heavily infested with Western Pine Rust) on the golf course, located at the end of the garage was cut down not long ago.

The multi-trunked fir tree next to a Skyline Drive cottage and the tree just to its left must come down.


The upper part of the tree and then the middle were trimmed first. Note the tall stump of the tree by the front door.


One person wielded the saw; the another person dropped the limbs and trunk sections to the ground.

Only the top limbs of the tree are left to cut.


Three of the trunks are topped.


Just the tall stumps remain. It is too bad the tree was so close and large–it was healthy.


Stumps are at ground level. Next will be the removal of the tree trunks and branches that had been dropped. Later the stumps and roots will be taken out.


Next door, this oak was trimmed. Note the hole in the heartwood of the branch. This hole weakens the limb and, sorry cavity-dwelling birds, the hole will most likely be sealed.




















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