Acronymns, Initialisms, and Abbreviations

by Connie Kent

Acronyms are new words you create when you use the first letter of each word in a phrase or a list. Combining the letters gives you a pronounceable word that other English readers and listeners understand. They are often words you don’t even think about as being abbreviations. They have become so much a part of normal life and language that you think of them as their own words. ASAP, PIN, SCUBA, NASA, NAFTA, NATO

Initialisms, are a variant, abbreviations composed of the initial letters of word, but rather than becoming a pronounceable word, the initials are enunciated as letters, as in FYI and NAACP.

TASER is an initialism based on the title of a 1911 novel, Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle. There’s a dark side to it which you can read about at

And of course there are mixtures: RADAR (for “RAdio Detecting And Ranging”) and SONAR (from “sound navigation ranging”).


Although English acronyms are on the whole a 20th century phenomenon (their use took off and became common during World War II, and really accelerated during the cold war and US space program), a few have been part of our language for far longer. Consider B.C. and A.D.

And, from Wikipedia: “Initialisms were used in Rome before the Christian era. For example, the official name for the Roman Empire, and the Republic before it, was abbreviated as SPQR (Senatus Populusque Romanus). SPQR is still found on manhole covers in the streets of Modern Rome.”

Current times

We’re still at it – creating more and more acronyms. Consider the internet slang in texts and tweets: OMG, LOL, TTYL, IMO (or IMHO).

A funny exchange highlights the generational gap.

Mom texts son: Your grandmother just passed away. LOL
Son: Why is that funny?
Mom: It’s not funny, David! What do you mean?
Son: Mom lol means laughing out loud.

Mom: Oh my goodness!! I sent that to everyone I though it meant lots of love.

At Home

Our own acronyms are mostly initialisms: RVM (Rogue Valley Manor), PRS (Pacific Retirement Services), PRV (Prospective Resident Visitor), RPG (Resident Preparedness Group), and WVB (Water Volley Ball).

But two are mixtures: DSAC (Dining Services Advisory Committee, pronounced Dee Sac), and HSAC (Health Services Advisory Committee – Aitch Sac).

Are there others?

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