What’s New in April

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Mr. and Mrs. Raven, a photo collage by Reina Lopez

Help! I’m in the Hospital and My Dog Has to Go! by Joni Johnson

Additional Information about Chat GPT, by George Yates

When Trees Are Too Close to Your Home, by Robert Mumby (Photos and Text)


Hands Down – Book Review, by Bonnie Tollefson

NIT WIT NEWZ – APRIL – 2023, by A. Looney

Acronyms, Initialisms, and Abbreviations, by Connie Kent

April in the Library, by Ann Newins

A Rising Star Entertains at the Manor, by Robert Mumby

in Big, Borrowed, or Both

3550:  the Portland Mirabella quarterly magazine (most recent issue) Click Here

Mirabella Monthly, Newsletter of the Seattle Mirabella (April issue) Click Here


Notice:  The contents of the RPG Manual on the Prepare page are being transferred to MyRVM by Vicki Gorrell.  This will be the home of additions or modification to RPG and preparedness information. We will announce when the new site is ready for public review and use.


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