September’s Library Display

Funny Books and Librarian Jokes

by Anne Newins

September can be one of those months that try your patience.  Is the heat  ever going to end?  When will fire season be over?  Plants are starting to look wilted.  So, this is the time to read a funny book that can make you laugh, or at least smile.

It is hard to choose a joke, much less a book, that everyone will agree is funny.  A search of the library’s online system yielded some good options, but when in doubt, consult your friends.  Below are some favorite authors and their book titles:

David Sedaris:  Holidays on Ice
Fanny Flagg:  The Whole Town’s Talking
Carl Hiaasen:  Squeeze Me
Erma Bombeck:  When You Look Like Your Passport, It’s Time to Go Home
Dave Barry:  I’m Not Taking This Sitting Down 
Garrison Keillor:  Lake Woebegone USA 
John Sanford:  Virgil Flowers series

Several of the books above are available as audio CDs.

On to the jokes!  Residents may remember a request a few months ago for “librarians go into a bar” jokes, which resulted in a whopping two responses.  But they are funny, so keep reading.

Bartender Jan Hines regales Jordan Mo and Bonny Turner

  1.  Two librarians walk into a bar.  The third ducks. (Submitted by Bonnie Tollefson
  2. A librarian is in a bar chatting with the bartender.  She hears a tiny voice saying, “Your parents raised you well.”  A minute later she hears, “Nice earrings.”  Again, no sign of the speaker.  Then, “The drinks are good.”  In frustration, she asks the bartender, “Who is talking?  I can’t see anyone.”  The bartender replies, “The nuts are complimentary here.” (Submitted by Bob Buddemeier)

Here’s a toast to light hearted reading!

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