Karnatz Korner — April

The Karnatz Kalendar

April 1-14 — Sarah’s early April Very Good Idea: Employee appreciation – each employee (485+) gets a scratch-it card good for one of 4 different gifts.  Residents, let’s not let it end there–let’s show our appreciation too.  All of you former cheerleaders get out there and shake the old tailfeathers.  “2, 4, 6, 8, whom do we appreciate?  Employees, employees, YAY!”

  • You knew there were lots of words in the library, but be honest — you never thought you would get a chance to choose among them.  And you were right!  Votes for your favorite groovy, far-out, bitchin’ (oops not on the list) 1960’s neologisms needed to be in the Library by April 7 in order to qualify for prizes if you agree with everybody else.  Better luck next time, but be sure to watch for the exciting results.
  • Foodies forward!  Residents submit their favorite 60’s recipes during the month of April, and Eric Eisenberg will select winners to incorporate into the menu cycle for the month of May.  Submit full/detailed recipes by placing them in boxes at the Manor lower level by the Beauty Salon and in the Plaza by the in-house mailboxes. Deadline 25 April

April 17 — Campus wide Easter Egg Hunt! Hundreds of plastic Easter Eggs will be stuffed with goodies and hidden all over campus. The festive search starts April 17 and goes on until every last one is found or hatched.

April 20Memoir writing class with Melissa Hart. This is a hybrid offering in-person and on zoom, with 40 in-person spots and 10 zoom spots available. Sign up at the front desk in the On-Campus sign up book starting April 4. Deadline to register is April 18. In this lively and supportive workshop, memoirist and journalist Melissa Hart will teach participants how to choose a theme and/or era around which to shape your story.  Tell All or Hint a Little — this is your big chance for fame, if not literary immortality.

April 22 — Concert in the park is BACK!!! The Rogue Suspects will be performing and and Sarah has her trap lines out for a local winery – Lower 40, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm.

Save the Date: June 24 – Summer Party!

 To go to the issue contents page (“What’s New”)  CLICK HERE

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