Changes Now and Later

We have made changes to the Prepare page.  Big Changes.  And we will be making more.

Why? — we hope you ask.

Because the Residents’ Preparedness Group (RPG) has embarked on a project to create an Information and Operations Manual that will

  • Provide residents with the information needed to prepare for and respond to emergencies,
  • Provide RPG volunteers with the information they need to do their jobs, and
  • Provide everybody with information on the RPG organization and how it functions.

If you’re an information nerd, you may enjoy RPG Manual Project – Design.  For most people that’s probably Too Much Information, so here’s a brief summary of the plan:

  • Internet based, but easily printed for those without a connection
  • Modular, so that it easily updated with the inevitable changes
  • Layered information: the reader can get an overview, then go after more information if desired.
  • Modified “Wikipedia” model — a living document with community input.

Sounds good, doesn’t it?  However, it’s going to take a while.  So, in the interim, we are modifying the Prepare page by assembling and organizing the preparedness and organizational information developed over the past 2+ years.  This will provide a resource base while we work on editing and augmenting it to produce the Manual.

We are also continuing our practice of presenting news and feature articles related to emergency and preparedness issues.

And the future; a major goal, and hope, is that a comprehensive data and information base can be made available on MyRVM.  In the short term, it is more practical to assemble the information and test the dissemination as described here, with the intention of transferring it to MyRVM in the future.

When the Manual has reached the point of covering all of the material now on the Prepare page, we expand to expand the content and broaden the focus of the page — perhaps by addressing environmental issues other than hazards, or questions about sustainability.

It will be a moving target, but we’ll do our best to make it one worth aiming at.

 To go to the issue contents page (“What’s New”)  CLICK HERE

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