The Karnatz Kolumn — March 2022


INTRODUCING — The Karnatz Kolumn!

by Bob Buddemeier

And why do we call it that?  Because it reports on the feats and exploits our engaging Director of Engagement, Sarah Karnatz.  Sarah is upright, rock solid, supportive, and well rounded – in short, everything a column should be.  Each month we will preview the exciting and tantalizing events and activities she has devised for us.


March 1-18:  Sure, and Sarah O’Karnatz and her merry band of Leprechauns are working to make your St Paddy’s day a memorable one  Chief Woodworker Leprechaun Bob has created a field of lucky shamrocks and the cunningly devious Leprechaun Annabel has concealed them around campus.  If you find a lucky shamrock, take it to the O’Karnatz O’Ffice, and be rewarded with your pot of gold!  Or, whatever.

March 17 – 24 – If you thought the Super Bowl pool was exciting, get ready for total overwhelm.  It’s a chance to pick the Oscar winners in eleven categories, with the winners receiving the usual incredible Karnatz-selected prizes.  Tune up your theatrical sensitivity and sharpen your celebrity intuition!  Entry forms are available in your mailbox or at the Manor front desk on March 17.  Turn them in to the front desk by March 24.

March 21 and 30 – an Antique Rogue Show at the Plaza.  No, the antiques in question are not the residents – they are the trash-or-treasure artifacts that you bring for assessment by fair-market appraisers.  A $5 contribution gets you a 10-minute evaluation session.  In addition to the possibility of discovering you are rich, you will get the satisfaction of knowing that the proceeds go to the RVM Foundation.

Sign up for your slots in the On Campus sign-up book at the Manor front desk.

Pretty good, huh?  Just wait until next month!

1 reply
  1. David Drury
    David Drury says:

    “Sarah is upright, rock solid, supportive, and well rounded – in short, everything a column should be.” Quirkily brilliant, young man.


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