Ordering Articles on Collection Pages (Prepare, News & Views, etc.)

The Masonry element organizes and displays the articles for Prepare, News & Views, Arts & Info, etc. Here are some setting that might come in handy. Note: we are talking about the “Masonry” element under “Content Elements.” There is also a “Masonry Gallery” element under “Media Elements” that is used to create a gallery grid of images.

  • Edit the page that contains a collection of posts and open the “Masonry” element
  • “Select Entries” is where you choose the category or categories of post that will be displayed
    • Hold Command to select more than one category
  • Open “Sorting” then “Order by” to change the post order
    • You will probably use “Date” or “Page Order” if you want to order the posts manually
  • For “Date,” “Descending order” means newest posts will be on the top.
  • For “Page Order,”  “Ascending order” means the posts will be in the same order as they are when you go to All Posts
    • Remember, from All Posts you can filter by category and drag and drop posts to reorder.

There are a lot of other settings for this element but I will leave it at that for now.


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