Managing and Finding Posts (Articles)

As the Complement grows, it can become harder to manage the larger number of posts and find what you are looking for. These steps will make it easier.

Start by going to Posts > All Posts

You will only need to do this first step once, but each user (each separate login) will need to do it.

  • In the upper right click Screen Options
  • Check all boxes except Tags and Stats
  • Change Number of items per page  to 999
  • Click Apply
  • Now all the posts will load without the need to go to the next page

Finding the post(s) you need to find

  • A few of the blue links on top may be useful
    • Mine – shows all posts published by the user currently logged in
    • Private will bring up posts like this one that are only meant to be seen by the editorial team
    • The rest are self explanatory and probably less useful
  • Sort by Category and/or date
    • Choose the category and/or date range from those two drop-downs then click Filter
  • Click the column “Title” column heading to sort posts alphabetically by title
    • Click again to again to change from ascending to descending or vise versa
  • Click the column “Date” column heading to sort posts by date published
    • Click again to again to change from ascending to descending or vise versa


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