Haaappy Biirrthdaay to us!
The Complement is ONE YEAR OLD!! Issue #13!!
It has been an exciting and enjoyable year, as we’ve learned and reached out to bring you more and more varied material. We have presented many contributed articles, reviews, and photo-feature topics, involving non-staff resident writers, artists, and collectors. We’ve wrestled with how to reach more contributors and readers, and we’ve been gratified by the growth of feedback, compliments (yes, this one is with an “i”), and sign-ups for our notification list. We’ve tried to stay out of the way of what hillTopics does, and take up the slack for what it can’t do. We’ve made a conscious effort to post quality coverage of topics that haven’t been prominent in standard discourse at RVM — and we think we’ve been successful. So Hooray for us and Hooray for you for helping and supporting us.
Now, about those birthday presents….
For you: we expect to give both more of the same and more of the different, and as a special modification we have embarked on a major ongoing restructuring of the Prepare page, both because we want it to be better, and especially to build on the increasing partnership between RVM and the residents in developing emergency preparedness and responses.
For us? Well, we want you.
Success is great, and we are eager to share it. E-journalism certification is readily available, we have virtually no editorial bureaucracy, our software is dirt-simple, there’s wide latitude in what you can do — and most important, we have a lot of just plain fun working on this together. Come try us out for a few hours a week or a few days a month; it’s pretty amazing.
Your dedicated Complementarians: Joni Johnson, Connie Kent, Reina Lopez, Tom Conger and Bob Buddemeier
Happy birthday to you wonderful folks, who enrich our lives with this great publication.