RPG Personnel

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Resident Preparedness Group (RPG)

Leadership Team, 8/9/21

RPG has restructured and enlarged its Leadership Team to achieve several objectives:

  • To expand the group’s diversity, experience, and capacity for task sharing;
  • To provide specific representation of Tower residents; and,
  • To allow some of our long-term members to take a well-earned break

Current Composition

Bob Buddemeier

Dan Curtis

Bob Berger (new resident; see bio below)

Teddie Hight (Manor Representative

Jim Macmillan (Plaza representative)

Ken Kelley

Scott Wetenkamp


Bob Walden (phasing out, but continuing to offer assistance in the transition)

Don Barry (phasing out, but continuing to offer assistance in the transition)

Dan Wagner (former member still contributing database efforts, reviews and advice)




Bob Berger Experience

Academic training focused on biochemistry, physiology and marine biology.  Work experience primarily involved in environmental toxicology.  Worked for private engineering and consulting firms, and public sanitation and drinking water agencies.  The last 9 years of my career provided regulatory/ legislative efforts for sanitation and drinking water agencies in Sacramento and Washington, D.C.

No direct experience in emergency preparedness or management, but did complete Communities of Oakland Respond to Emergencies, CORE, training now identified as CERT  ( City of Oakland | Community Emergency Response Team Training [CERT]

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