Implementing my Estate Plan- Revisited

by Eleanor Lippman

About two years ago, it occurred to me to write a “what if” letter to my children. I closed my eyes and imagined what it would be like if my children were called to the Manor and I was unable to give them any instructions.Who would they contact here at RVM? How would they gain access to my cottage? Once in my cottage, then what? Where and how to begin?

So, I wrote it all out, kept a copy in my “INFORMATION” notebook, and mailed each of them a copy.

And then . . . .


Beth Knorr’s “Implementing Your Estate Plan” showed up in my mailbox. I filled it out and realized:

  1. Although it duplicated quite bit of information that was already in ‘my letter to my children’, Beth’s version had additional information, all important. I decided to keep both updated.


  1. In looking over my old letter to my children, I realized:

* Dr. Prulhiere is no longer my primary care doctor

* the US Bank branch in the Manor is gone

* my financial advisor retired and sold the business

* my dentist sold her practice and moved to be near her husband

* I have renamed some of my important computer files related to such things as finance

* passwords have changed

* paperwork required by the Manor had not been updated

* and much more . . . .

So, my promise to myself is that every year on my birthday, I will open the “INFORMATION” notebook and update any information that has changed. It will be a birthday present to myself and my children.


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