In The Community

Congratulations on taking those first steps into a new volunteer activity — and WELCOME!

The Birthday Luncheon Committee has two new memberssubmitted by Jamie Harris.

Meridel Hedges steps into the position held by Jamie Harris for 14 years.  Meridel and her husband, Dan, moved to RVM from Eagle Point in 2019.  She attended one Birthday Luncheon just before the shutdown, enjoyed it enough that she thought it would be a good committee to join.   Meridel has been involved in  several volunteer committees in the past and will be a wonderful new addition.

Faye Isaak steps into the position held by Sharon Purkerson for 10 years.  Faye, along with her husband, Merl, moved to RVM in 2005.  Faye has been an active member of the community and is well known as the author of the Rogue Valley Manor history book,  “Vision with a View”,  She is also appreciated for her artistic talents, and poetry.   We look forward to having her on the BD committee.

Meridel and Faye join Patti Robb, who very recently also joined the Birthday Luncheon Committee

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