Move to End Manor Segregation



(Nit Wit Newz is an unauthorized, often unreliable, on-line news service designed to keep Manor residents abreast of the inconsequential, sometime fanciful, and most always superficial events that dramatically shape and inform our everyday lives here at Rogue Valley Manor.)


Long simmering resentment erupts.  RVM cat owners—miffed for years at not having a dedicated area of play for their pets— demand equal access to Manor Dog Park. Insist area embrace diversity—become equal-opportunity animal recreational area.

Committee, Fairness For Felines (FFF), formed to advance cat owners’ cause.

               The XXXXXX Park

First step of FFF proposal:  Name change to “All Pets Park” followed by necessary infrastructure alterations including lining of dog park area with raised cubby holes to provide for cat comfort and safety, as well as enable easy viewing of dogs’ endless (cats would say, “senseless”) joy in chasing balls thrown by owners.

Upon completion of structural improvements, FFF plans call for three-week period of cautious transition by bussing (via Manor Express) a few campus cats into park each day for brief “meet and greet” intervals. Committee confident precautions will foster a rapid détente between the two historically contentious animal species.

When dog-cat rapport is achieved, FFF plans call for park to be opened to all RVM pets.

Anxiously awaiting that eventuality, new RVM resident, B. Wildered, living in one-room Manor apartment, has been seeking campus recreational area for his penguin.

Strong push-back mounted by Manor dog owners. Seek to defuse FFF

    Park Guardian- Beware

demands. Propose alternative cat-only, “Catatorium” structure to be erected on existing ninth hole of Quail Point Golf Course adjacent to planned construction of new RVM residential units. RVM management nonplussed— wary of entanglement in explosive dog/cat owners imbroglio, yet hesitant to commit to a structure that may  dampen  prospective residents’ interest in planned new units.

FFF spurns “Catatorium” alternative.  Claim “separate but equal” solutions to societal problems have proven unsuccessful. Insist that ancient canine-feline disputation can be overcome by enlightened affirmative action.

Although campus dog owners continue to resist sharing of recreational space, impasse softens—both parties relent to binding arbitration settlement.   Hearing to be held at next month’s RVM Resident’s Council Meeting.

While aggrieved parties await decision, the question our story asks remains: Can the lion and the lamb lie down together in peace and harmony? And alongside a penguin, too?

The answer awaits us.

Video:  Stray Cat Crashes Dog Park and Feels Right at Home (if an ad appears hit “skip ad”)

—A. Looney

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