Rachel’s Curios

Photo essay by Connie Kent and Reina Lopez

As a senior in high school in Nebraska, Rachel Lathrop sat for the Civil Service exam, and as soon as she graduated, hopped on a train to Washington, D.C., where she worked in the Surgeon General’s Office in the Pentagon. That was in 1945.

Washington, D.C., was just her first stop. From Harvard, Nebraska, a town with a population no larger than Rogue Valley Manor, Rachel has traveled to all seven continents: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe, North America, and South America.

During ten plus years with the Foreign Service, she served in American Embassies in Salzburg, Austria; Tokyo, Japan; and Lagos, Nigeria. At each posting, she traveled around the area seeing the sights. She even took a month long safari, visiting half a dozen countries in Africa.

During her travels she collected wonderful tokens of the places she visited. I’ve chosen a few to highlight.