People to Contact for Help at RVM

Cyndee Mauer in Resident Services    Ext 7360

Debbie Watt in Resident Services Ext 7359

Linda Bellinson  for Counseling support Ext 7157

Father Joel Ext. 7296

Chaplain Anya Ext. 7295


 USE THE LIST SERVE– Everyone is always ready with ideas and support

I was given lots of names for computers and taxes but they want to be off line and asked on an individual basis.  This means that if you want them, just put out a call on the list serve that you need help, and they will contact you!  This includes people who are trained as AARP tax volunteers.


SPIRITUAL CARE AND WELL BEING Lots of support on their Page of, and lots of videos and links to other support groups

A resource that is provided through Resident Services for surviving spouses and family members that you might use as a baseline is called, ”Managing Life After Loss”. Specific on-campus resources will probably be sourced to you from those who have recently survived a loss, but may be limited by time-sensitive information.

Debbie Watt in Cynde’s office is pretty informed about what people need.  But this website has so much more to offer.  Check it out.

In the RVM app under Directories: Go to In Memoriam } Managing Life after Loss } and you get  links to:  Spiritual care/Wellbeing Counseling, Socrates Cafe, Story Corps, LCSW, All Saints Day, Religious Activities, 2 YouTubes, support for Grief and Loss and Managing Life after Loss


Krazy Kritters Dog Walkers  run by Karissa Quant

Contact 541-678-0570  email:


MANOR FAVORITES with all sorts of suggestions including computer services and tax preparation:


Free notary service is available at the Foundation Office. Rosa and Krista are both notaries. USBank does notary services free for customers.

From Doyne Mraz:  I am a Notary and have been for years here at the Manor.  I will notarize anything that requires it in the State of Oregon, and I do not charge for residents or employees of the Manor.  I can come to you or meet you at a place mutually agreed upon at any time.  I cannot tell you how many notarizations I have performed at 4:00 a.m. at the Asante Hospital. 541 857-6232 and/or

I certainly can help residents find the notary : Carol Solomon 6752


Dave Smith, estate attorney in Medford and Chad Smith, financial planner with Retirement Planning Services in Ashland

Another recommended financial advisor was Mark Degner

The front office (reception) knows names of residents who will help with computer.

AARP provides free tax help. People on campus for this help are: Jane Hall, Tucker Newlon, David Gent, Bob Spence, Cindy Bollens, Jim Quan, and  Ken Kelley


Ellen Waldman

PO Box 1086

Ashland, OR 97520

Tel:  541 482-9489


She was very useful in making sure that I had the right paperwork done on advance directive, etc., and that the doctors and hospital had the necessary forms.  In an emergency, she would step in and see that I had the necessary care, and she would follow up if I needed further care, at home or elsewhere.

Another person who acts as a health care representative is:

Suzanne Mendelson. 541-944-9321

And when in doubt- call the FRONT DESK at 7600 for suggestions.

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