RPG — An Updated Overview


At Rogue Valley Manor

This is the initial step toward developing a concise, complete, user-friendly guide to the role of residents in disaster preparedness and response at RVM.  The linked information items will be edited and updated for use both on line and in printed form.  Resident suggestions, questions, and especially participation are solicited.


WHAT:  RPG is an independent organization of RVM residents established to support and assist RVM management and staff in responding to needs resulting from disasters or emergencies that may impact RVM residents.

WHY:  RVM has nearly a thousand residents and a large complex of facilities spread over a substantial area.  Staff on site may range from a few hundred to very few tens depending on day and time.  It is unrealistic to expect staff to be able to meet all the needs arising from a high-damage, multiple casualty event such as the anticipated Cascadia Great Earthquake.  See expanded explanation.

HOW:  Independent Living residential units are grouped into neighborhoods (containing 1-10 units) among the cottages, and floors in the high-rises.  Each neighborhood or floor has a coordinator responsible for maintaining contact with the residents in that unit.  Neighborhoods and floors are in turn grouped into areas (11 total among the cottages — see pdf maps) or building sections in the high-rises (1 each in the Plaza and Terrace, 2 in the Manor).  Area and Building coordinators provide communication links between the local coordinators and the RVM Incident Commander or administration, and facilitate preparations as well as responses.  See pdf table of coordinators

WHO:  The management structure of RPG is under development, having been interrupted by the COVID pandemic.  Leadership is provided by co-chairs, a core group of advisers, and team leaders.  See Organization



RPG has two primary goals and one secondary goal:

One primary goal of the RPG is to provide reliable communication between individual residents and the administration or other authorities. Accurate, up-to-date information about conditions or necessary actions is vital for residents in case of an emergency, and during or after a disaster it is critical that those charged with emergency response quickly learn about conditions on site and among the residents.  See  Communication Team status report.

The second primary goal is developing and supporting preparedness by informing and encouraging residents about emergency procedures and planning and preparation for disasters.  This includes accumulation of critical supplies that may be unavailable during a protracted disaster.  Existing write-ups include information on preparation basics, water, sanitation, light/electricity, personal medications, and personal documents — plus other information.

A secondary goal of the organization is to promote mutual assistance among residents in situations where needs cannot be met by external responders.  The coordinators are not expected to fulfill the functions of emergency responders, but support ranging from advice to limited physical assistance can be of great help in an emergency.

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