RVM Newcomers Group

by Asifa Kanji

Asifa Kanji

…Is a group for folks who have moved to the Manor in the past 12 months, and for seasoned residents who would like to get to know the new residents.

Would you like to meet and talk story with other Newcomers?

Would you like to connect with seasoned residents?

Then this is the group for you.

Monday walkabouts

This informal group meets every Monday at 3pm at the Plaza to walk, to talk and enjoy each other’s company. You can walk as fast or as slow as is comfortable. You can walk as long or as short as you want. No reservations required — Just show up with your masks and walk or stroll in twos or threes. It’s not organized, it just happens naturally.

Both Newcomers and seasoned residents are welcome to join.

Monthly get-togethers for Newcomers only.

We get together on the first Wednesday of every month from 3-4:30 pm. Because of COVID, we are presently meeting on ZOOM, but hopefully in the coming months we’ll be able to meet in person, outdoors or indoors, depending on the weather, the size of the group, and the county guidelines for group get-togethers.

We usually invite a member of the Resident Committees or Admin to give a brief (10-15 minute) talk on different aspects of life at the Manor.

If you would like to join in, you would be most welcome. Please send an e-mail to AsifaKanji@gmail.com to receive your invite, ZOOM or otherwise.

Socialize with Seasoned Residents

This is an opportunity for Seasoned Residents and Newcomers to get together socially — over a glass of wine, dinner, tea, or whatever works for you. The maximum size would be four.


Asifa Kanji grew up in Tanzania and Kenya, was schooled in England, fell in love and followed her heart to America in 1975. She has been a teacher, a henna artist, a computer programmer, a dilettante, a care giver and a traveler who loves to write. She is a new Manor resident, having moved to the Rogue Valley from Hawaii with her editor, her publisher, her chief art critic, and her husband.

Dennis Murphy (dqmurphy@yahoo.com) is the facilitator; he provides the following information on related programs.
I’ve received a number of requests from Established Residents to participate in the onboarding of Newcomers.  Let me synopsize the four programs of which I am aware.
The PRV hosting function has been resurrected and is now under the steady hands of Eric Poppick and Marilyn Perrin.  This program is RVM sanctioned and coordinates with Marketing.
The following three programs are all solely resident managed with the head honcho being Asifa Kanji (asifakanji@gmail.com).
  1. Monthly Zoom Meetings among Newcomers where on occasion an Established is invited as a guest speaker.  These occur on the first Wednesday at 3 PM.  For more information on participating, please contact Asifa.
  2. Weekly Walks and Strolls occur at 3 PM every Monday and again are the brainchild of Asifa.  Anyone is welcome and all you need do is meet in front of the Plaza at that time.
  3. Virtual Happy Hours are a “stand in” for pre-Covid socializing.  They are intended to permit Newcomers and Established to get to know each other.  The format is completely flexible – a Zoom chat, a walk in the park, a drink in the driveway, or now perhaps a meal together.
Here’s all you need to do to participate in the Virtual Happy Hours:
  • Open https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CYykJTuXmlc6Bo0CpTaQJ_25fc9LwoU_jKpMxo5eGyg/edit#gid=0
  • On the bottom of the sheet you’ll see two tabs – Newcomers and Established – click on the appropriate one.
  • Next, enter your information on the first available blank line.
  • Finally, contact someone from the other tab (i.e. if you’re Established, now click on the Newcomer tab; if a Newcomer, seek out someone on the Established tab) and initiate a dialogue.  Whatever you decide to do, make it fun.  
This is my modest contribution to these efforts.  Feel free to contact me if anything here is unclear and I’d be delighted to get a quick note back from participants as to how well this effort is going.  Thanks.
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