Nit Wit Newz

(Nit Wit Newz is an unauthorized, often unreliable, on-line news source designed to keep Manor residents abreast of the inconsequential, trifling and superficial events that dramatically shape and inform our everyday lives here at Rogue Valley Manor.                                                                                                                                    

 Ed Note:  our roving correspondent has returned to campus, but we continue to receive bulletins from our far-flung news services.  We may have to fling this one a little farther next time.



           Defending Design Decisions

Residents, dining committee, interior designer at loggerheads on Plaza re-do. Sticking points abound. Should room centerpiece be movable orchid planter, or tasteful sarcophagus?  Should restaurant model be “The French Laundry,” or a K-12 cafeteria?  For walls and ceilings, some favor muted earth tones, others lean toward a monochromatic fifty-shades-of-gray.

Many fear proposed demise of banquettes and Friendship tables. Claim proponents have bias against comfortable seating and good fellowship. Outraged proponents deny charge. Disagreements spread to rotunda and restrooms as well.

Meanwhile, as disputes fester, thirty-seven sub-committees have rapidly formed to hammer out disagreements.

First sub-committee report disappointing:  Table Linen panel deadlocked on napkin fabric. Group may be sequestered until concurrence reached.

Some early progress reported.  Leak from Beverage Container Committee meeting claims proposed replacement of stem ware with Tippy Sippy Cups has been nixed.

Dining Services Committee urging rapid resolution of all sub-committee disputes.  Seek to avoid threatened large-scale food fights among increasingly militant factions.

Stay tuned.


—A. Looney




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