Three Poems

photographs by Ron Constable


Jiggle Bells    by Faye Isaak

A Handfull of Haiku     by Richard Finch

A Magical Conversation With a Tiny Brook     by Anita Sumariwalla


Winner of the Complement Crossover Award for the best combination
of poetry and the preparedness theme

by Faye Isaak, (1989)

Jiggle bells, jiggle bells, fissures in the clay,
Falling rocks and aflershocks that jolt and jerk and sway.
Jiggle bells, jiggle bells, fissures in the clay;
Oh, what a ride on our mountainside when Mother Earth gave way.

The Earth, without a warning, on a day so fair and still,
Took rocks and tanks and houses and flung them down the hill.
For what seemed like forever it pitched and heaved and lurched.
It sorta made me think I shoulda spent more time in church. (refrain)

Front door will not open, back door will not close.
Water pipes are busted; we can siphon with the hose.
Well has lost its water, d1iveway’s split in two.
What used to be the fireplace is now a lovely view. (refrain)

Nothin’s in the cupboard, nothing’s in the drawer.
Shelves and all their contents are shattered on the floor.
But there stands Ethel’s vase, as ugly as before,
While my Lalique is in the creek, along with my armoire. (refrain)

Window frames are crooked, there’s cracks in every wall.
The floor is sorta rippled, and the deck’s not there at all.
Highway’s got huge landslides. Pavement’s cracked and crazed.
If I get home by Tuesday night, I’ll really be amazed. (refrain)

Put treasures in a blender, turn it up on high;
Wash it out with chicken soup and then try not to cry.
I know xl should get busy, and not sit here and bawl.
I’d re-hang Mama’s picture, but I cannot find the wall. (refrain)

Look at my stiff upper lip and not my quivering chin.
With every unexpected bump, I leap out of my skin.
But we have the Red Cross, FEMA and S.B.A.,
And lots of help from lots of friends–We’re gonna he okay. (refrain)

If we just lived closer, I’d give a Christmas hug
And share a festive cup of cheer (with no handle on the mug).
But here’s a “Meny Christmas, and a Bright and Brave New Year”!
We’re all okay and glad to say, “Halleluia, we’re still here!”

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Handful of Haiku

By Richard Finch

Exploring my face
Prying at my sleep-sealed eyes
Lonely August moon.

Chilled by the black lake
gusting wide my down bag
Errant July wind!

Minnows! Gnat-catchers!
Radar—armed bats! Are you
all out on strike? (Slap!)

The winter titmouse
Walks the birdbath surface with
Tentative wonder.

This wet afternoon
Mourners meet to say farewell
With silent, wet eyes.

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 ‘A Magical Conversation With A Tiny Brook‘

Anita Sumariwalla

“We come – from the warm bosom – of Mother Earth –
We receive – divine breath for life – to follow our destiny!
Yes. we pearls of crystal – seep forth – between stubborn boulders –
Tumbling down – carelessly – enjoying the fun –
As we melt – into the fluid diamonds –
eased by the laughing sun — we sparkle with joy!
We smile – on our bubbly way- at the endless sky –
While inhaling – deeply – the fragrant air so-light.
But – we cannot remain – or stay – our curious friend –

“We do not worry – for our way is – predestined –
By the mysterious – etemal – cycle of life!
We may appear – harmless – and gay –
Beware – do not underestimate – our power!
For we have – strength – to form – to mold –
The sharpest edges – of stones – and rocks –
Into smooth pebbles – and gentle sand –
As we sweep down – our way – to fulfill our destiny!
But — we cannot remain – or stay – our curious friend –

“We sprinkle – teasingly – our silver diamonds – and pearls –
To instill life – into wondrous beings – on our eternal journey.
We enchant humans – and animals alike –
While refreshing – their wilted spirits –
We respond – with joy – when they smile at us!
We dance – and play – with the tiniest creatures –
With utmost tenderness – a gentle cooling.
But – we cannot remain — or stay – our curious friend –

“Then – there are times – mean elements — force us –
We have – no choice – or say –
As we witness – the dreadful destruction – the pain –
We inflict – most unwillingly – on humans – and beasts –
We share – their sorrow – we mourn – we weep with them!
And then – there are times – glorious times –
When we pour – gently – most welcome relief-
Onto disheartened – humans and beasts – the thirst-crusted earth –
We see – then rejoice – with the enchanted beings –
We are thrilled – delighted – in helping – create new life!
But – we cannot remain – or stay – our curious friend –

“As we must – continue to flow – to follow our journey –
To meet – and unite – with new playmates –
Our brother-diamonds – our sister-pearls – who join us –
We are destined – to unite – to create – rivers – and streams –
It is ordained – that – be blend – we melt – into ONE!
We are increasing – creating flowing rivers – and streams –
Until – we may rest – a while – in the soothing calm –
As we receive — a most welcome respite –
ln the serene beauty – of a dreaming pond – or lake!
But – we cannot remain – or stay – our curious friend –
“We must keep flowing – to continue – what is destined.
We laugh – we delight – at the glorious sun –
Who toys with us – who ignites – golden sparkles on us!
At night – we pause – while reflecting – the mysterious moon –
With gentle affection – respect – and tenderness!
But – we cannot remain – or stay — our curious friend –

“We must spread-out – grow wider – deeper – and calmer –
As we remember – our mission – our reason for being! –
With eagerness – we learn – we adjust – we are free –
To welcome – to celebrate – the magical meeting – blending –
Of us – into – the overwhelmingly majestic ocean –
To become – ONE!
But – we cannot remain – or stay – our curious friend –

“As the timeless rhythm – of every-breathing tides –
Help us – to embrace – the amazing contours – of continents!
Gingerly – we cradle – fragile boats — ships – and barges –
With loving care – to their destinations –
We reach out – surround them – in friendship – and trust!
We feel powerful – and yet – we learn –
While becoming aware – turning humble –
As we meet – the awesome elements – of nature!
Currents – that rush us – from one shore – to another –
Invisible winds – torrential rains – thunderous storms –
That whip us – seeming eternally – mercilessly –
Into monstrous waves – high mountains – bottomless valleys –
Crowned with – angry spittle – and twirling foam!
But – we cannot remain – or stay – our curious friend –

“How we long – for the sweet sun – our beloved friend –
We rejoice – in knowing – that we will – meet again!
For it is our destiny – to be gently embraced – to be absorbed –
By the caressing rays – of our glorious – heavenly sun –
To be molded – lovingly – into billowing clouds —
To glide – soothingly – across the seemingly endless sky!
But – we cannot remain – or stay – our curious friend –

“We are being – conveyed – ever-so-gently — back home –
To our precious mountains – our guardians – our friends!
We rest for a moment – we sigh with grateful relief-
Then – melt – once again – into – diamonds and pearls –
Within – imposing castles – of rocks – so solid!
Yet — we are happy – trusting – as we seep – silently –
To sink – deep – deep – to return –
lnto the warm bosom – of Mother Earth –
To slumber – in peace – to rest – for a while –
Before – our journey – begins anew!

“You asked:


We just told you:



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