Orisja Sarles- Russian Orthodox

            Orisja Sarles


Right now, I don’t practice any religion, but when I was growing up in Berlin, my family was Russian Orthodox.  My father was originally from the Ukraine.  I think that what I most remember as a child was going to church with my father and the rest of the family and all of the kids had to stand up during the two hour service.  Only old people were allowed to sit. That was not wonderful. I do remember how beautiful the singing was.  But I don’t think, even then, I was a particularly religious person.  So I left the church even before I left Berlin to come to the United States at the age of 17.  I think it is wonderful to be in a country where one can worship as one wishes.  And I really respect the many forms of worship we have here at the Manor and in the United States.


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