Kathy Perkins- Catholic

              Kathy Perkins

I went to high school at St. Ursula’s Convent and Academy in Cincinnati, as did all my other seven sisters. I really didn’t realize how unique it was and how well we were prepared until I went to college.  Some of the things I remember most were the rituals and traditions that we experienced.  For example, there was graduation.  First of all, we had to wear floor length white dresses and carry a dozen red-stemmed roses across the stage to receive our diploma.  The roses were in our left hand, our heads held high, no bleeding from the thorns.  We learned that two-inch heels were better than three-inch heels and we had to practice, practice, practice to make this all come true with no broken bones or torn stockings.  Then we had a REAL ball afterwards.  And I remember the senior tea with sterling silver service. It was a different time. And I felt really lucky to receive my education there.

At Christmas, we would sing in a candlelit white marble chapel donning a white veil and candle and singing 3-4 part harmony.  It was one of the many beautiful traditions that bring a smile to my face and that I share with my seven sisters.  It was such a special experience which, as a kid, I took for granted.

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