Jere Scott- Protestant

               Jere Scott

 A Christmas Pageant to RememberI have had the joy of taking part in Christmas Pageants large and small during over forty plus years as a pastor.  All were  joyful celebrations of the birth of Jesus Christ the Lord.  There is one that stands out from them all.  Twenty years ago I was pastor of a mission church in Alaska. We had a small congregation of about 45 people including children.  We had practiced for several weeks for this pageant, about 20 men and women made up the choir.  There was a ”large” audience of about 30 members and guests attending.  As we began the Pageant, I read the opening scripture and sat down. The choir sang the opening song and were sitting down as I stood to read the second passage of scripture, and then, it happened!    In the choir there were two very large ladies seated together on the back row.  As the choir gracefully took their seats,  the pew collapsed on that end throwing everyone to the floor.  No one was injured, thankfully.  There was shock, concern, relief and then, laughter, for a couple of minutes.  Dignity restored and the laughter now quiet, we were able to complete the Pageant ”standing” with great joy and grace!  No one there will forget that event.  One of our guests said as he was leaving that he would be back the following Christmas if we would repeat the events.


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