Cat People helping Cats

Cat People Helping Cat People Helping Cats

by Joni Johnson

Salome Sato started something wonderful about three years ago.  She created a registry for cat owners who were going on vacation and needed sitters for their babies.  By the end of those three years, she  had about 35 people on board.  Some of them owned cats and wanted occasional help, some of them had cats and were willing to take in short-term boarders and some were just people who loved cats and were willing to cat-sit even though they no longer had a cat of their own.

In order to be placed on the registry, each interested person has to fill out a registration form  which includes questions about their cat- breed, temperament, age etc.  That is Salome’s part.  After that, it is up to the interested party to find their own sitter from the list. The registry is still working.

Click on this link to see if you are still on the registry. Names for Cat List If you are interested in removing your name, please contact Salome via email at or by phone at  808.232.8541.  If you are interested in adding your name, please fill out the registration sheet attached to this link ‘20.10.25 – CAT REGISTRATION FORM rev. #1 and send it to Salome via email or call her to do it by phone.  Once you are added to the registry, you will get your copy and then when you are in need, you have your people to contact.

Someone sent a joke around today and it was too good to just pass up so I am putting it here and I know you will understand:

This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her dog. It was obvious she thought her dog understood her. I came into my house & told my cat. We laughed a lot.




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