3 replies
  1. Naomi Kobayashi
    Naomi Kobayashi says:

    Saturday, 9/5/’20, 2:40PM . . . I just now discovered this website; many thanks for providing it. I used to be one of three “bangers out” (i.e., “editors!”) of single-page “The Informer” for the Health Center — until it was discontinued last year, and have been “sitting on my hands,” ever since! Now, thanks to “The Complement,” I’ll be able to bang out an occasional joke, or poem, or anecdote, or . . . ? Thanxalot, folks, and stay well . . .
    Naomi K.

  2. Sophia A. McMillen
    Sophia A. McMillen says:

    Just read Ray’s poem titled In the Beginning. Splendid thoughts, poetic homage to humanity’s best invention–language. Thanks to Complement for providing a place to read it.


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